INTEGRATED ACTIONS FOR DEVELOPED INDIA Social Security Employment & Value addition Population control Nutritional Security Export Earnings Massive Employment Reaching the whole nation Education & Health Care Information and Communication Technology Happy & Healthy Society, Economic Strength and National Security Crucial for all sectors River Networking PURA Agriculture & Agro-Food Processing Infrastructure including Electric Power Food Security Key to Employability Critical Technologies & Strategic Industries I M P A C T ~ 0% 26% People below Poverty line >10% >6% GDP Growth rate Towards 2020 Present Indicators Economic Security Technology Strengths Self Reliance Science & Technology is the KEY
INTEGRATED ACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT “Education for All” Agricultural & Agro food Processing industries MISSION OBJECTIVES EMPLOYMENT GENERATION & RURAL PROSPERITY Infrastructural facilities (Water &Energy) Health Care – Nutritional Security Potential for Industrial Growth – Geo Strategic Initiatives Mission objectives: Employment Generation, National Wealth creation leading to Poverty Removal CONNECTIVITY IS THE KEY Population Management (1.1)
ENGINES FOR GROWTH NATURAL RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES Technology VALUE ADDITION Knowledge AGRICULTURE MANUFACTURING SERVICES CORE COMPETENCE EMPLOYEMENT GENERATION HIGHER Sustained GDP ~10 % for a Decade Engines for Growth Value addition is the key for Development It requires technology and knowledge Possible to maintain sustained 10% GDP Suggesting 5 national missions for the states POWER WATER 5 NATIONAL MISSIONS FOR STATES EDUCATION Developed States Result in Developed India INFRASTRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT GENERATION.
Economic Connectivity UNIFIED PURA IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Ring Road Rail Public Infrastructure Telecom Internet E-Governance Tele-medicine Tele-education Physical Connectivity Economic Connectivity Warehouse Agro-Industries Markets Hospital Micro Power Plant Coop. Product Mktg. Electronic Connectivity Knowledge Connectivity Spiritual Connectivity 10-15 Village Clusters 100 Crore investment Business Proposition Employment for 3000 persons Beneficiaries : 30,000 people Schools IRS Imagery for - Land & Crop Mgmt - Water Mgmt - Forest Mgmt - Environment Proactive Health care Manufacturing Enlightened Citizenship Moral Leadership JOINT PRIVATE – PUBLIC EMPOWERED BODIES
PHYSICAL CONNECTIVITY ELECTRONIC CONNECTIVITY SATELLITE VILLAGES Periyar PURA 60 villages 3 lakh population Road connectivity Internet Kiosk SATELLITE VILLAGES ELECTRONIC CONNECTIVITY Leading to Sustainable Development