THE BAHA’I FAITH The main symbol of the Baha’i is the nine-pointed star. Believers see 9 as numerical perfection The highest single-digit number, which is seen as completeness Number is highly symbolic: a number of important events in Baha’i history are associated with the number 9 (e.g. two prophets experienced their revelations 9 years apart) Baha’is also use this symbol to represent the oneness of all religions, which find their completeness/fulfillment in the final revelations of the Baha’i prophet.
The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. Ye are the fruit of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. Baha’u’llah What is the message here? To whom might a message like this appeal?
ORIGINS _________________ 1863 The ____________________ of the world’s major religions Persia is today known as Iran Founded during the life of Baha’is main prophet Baha’u’llah (1817-1892), but began with a message of an earlier prophet (the Bab) earlier that century
IMPORTANT PEOPLE The __________: 1st prophet Special ability to interpret ________ Baha’u’llah: follower of the Bab & _________________ of Baha’i faith Most recent of God’s prophets, which include __________________ ______________________________ The Bab means “The Gate” as in a gateway to God The Bab gained many followers in Iran, which angered the government and the religious leaders of the country; he was executed for his claims that he was God’s prophet Baha’u’llah would be exiled from Persia for declaring himself a prophet and preaching the new faith
BASIC BELIEFS The 3 Onenesses: oneness of God, religion and _______________________ Peaceful, global society can be achieved through: End to _________________ Equality of ____________________ Elimination of extreme poverty & _____________ Universal ________________________ Recognition that religion is in harmony with ______________________________ Search for ____________________ by all individuals Establishment of a global commonwealth of ________ Baha’is believe that all religions originate from the same source Oneness of God=monotheism Establishing a peaceful, global society is the main goal of the Baha’i faith
BASIC BELIEFS Life is a process of spiritual _________________ _____________________ are symbolic Holy scriptures include writings of Baha’u’llah & __________________________ ______________________ is a form of worship Avoid intoxicants & ______________; exercise self-restraint Heaven and hell concepts express closeness or distance from God Believe concepts like devil or evil are also symbolic and simply represent the baseness in human nature that can be overcome with proper spiritual practices Baha’is do not have priests because they believe that all people are capable of reading the scriptures and coming to their own understanding of God by meditating on these writings Self-restraint includes the belief that only married couples should have sex
WORSHIP Any place where word of God is _________ is holy There are several Houses of Worship around the world & important _______________ in Haifa, Israel Must pray, ________________________& meditate each day Worship together every ____ days: prayers, music, readings from scriptures of all religions & communal feast No ___________, but elect local & national assemblies & International House of Justice Baha’i Houses of Worship are built with symbolic meaning. 9 sides, 9 entrances, 9 gardens all symbolize the diversity of humanity while the central dome symbolizes the essential oneness of humanity There is a House of Worship on every continent except Antarctica While there are plans to build Houses of Worship in every major Baha’i community, they prefer to concentrate their resources on spreading their religion and their humanitarian projects The original shrines to the Bab and Baha’u’llah are in Iran and Iraq. One has been destroyed by the government; the other has been seized by the government and is outside control of the Baha’i community. The Baha’i shrines have now been recognized as World Heritage sites by UNESCO, which is the 1st such designation for the holy site of a modern religion The Baha’i calendar consists of 19 months of 19 days each There are no priests or sermons at Baha’i worship There are no monks in the Baha'i faith as Baha’is believe that social connection with others is an important aspect of spiritual growth
IMPORTANT HOLIDAYS Naw-Ruz: Baha’i __________________; proceeded by 19 days of fasting Festival of ________________: marks Baha’u’llah’s declaration of his mission Other holidays mark important events in the __________________ of the Baha’i faith Naw-Ruz is celebrated on the first day of spring (March 21) Other events include martyrdom of the Bab, birth of the Bab and Baha’u’llah, etc.
IMPORTANT LIFE EVENTS Baha’is avoid ______________, so few life events are marked by a religious service Pilgrimage: _________________________, Baha’is must go on a 9-day pilgrimage to the shrines of the Bab & Baha’u’llah once in their lifetime Marriage: recite a short verse in front of _____________________________________ Death: _________________________ is recited by one person while the rest of the congregation is silent Pilgrimage is not expected of Baha’is who cannot go for financial or other reasons Must apply to go on a pilgrimage, Because there are few ritual requirements associated with life events, most weddings and funerals reflect the culture of the part of the world in which the ceremony is held as long as the few required elements are included