Weekly Webinar Welcome to the Wednesday webinar! Please mute your audio connection upon logging in. For the first 10-15 mins we will discuss the topic at hand. Once we go through the presentation, we will open up for questions on what we just discussed. After there are no more questions, we will open questioning for ANY Digital resource subject. Please raise your hand in the taskbar or type your question in the questions box. Chad Jordan and John Musser SCI Digital Marketing website.request@sportclips.com
Webinar Instructions Please make sure to mute your audio connection. Submit questions through control panel.
iAPPS Training Guide STEP #1 STEP #2
Boosted Post vs. Facebook Ad A boosted post is the most basic advertising you can do on Facebook. They are created by allocating advertising budget to a post already on the businesses’ page. Boosting the post allows you to ensure a much larger audience of your choice sees the post in their news feed. Boosted posts are typically used when the goal is to achieve audience engagement such as post likes, shares and comments. Facebook ads are a more advanced way to advertise on Facebook and will require a Facebook ad manager account. Facebook ads offer the greatest number of options for advertisers and the type of ad you choose to use will depend on what the goal of your campaign is. These options include likes, clicks to website, app installs, app engagement, website conversions, event responses, offer claims, video views & local awareness. Another benefit to running ads over boosted posts is the ability to add an optional call to action button promoting actions such as ‘shop now’, ‘sign up’, ‘download’ and ‘contact us’ to name a few.
To post, click in the post field. Write message and select post. How to Post To post, click in the post field. Write message and select post.
Boost Post Click on Boost Post
Choose Objective Website Visits: Encourage Clients to visit your website –Prioritize showing your boosted post to people likely to visit your website. Engagement: reactions, comments, and shares – Prioritize showing your boosted post to Clients likely to engage with it.
Choose Audience Facebook Smart Targeting – Automatically creates an audience to reach Clients likely to interact with your post. People who choose through targeting – create custom audience by selecting Gender, Age, Locations, Detailed Targeting. People who like you page – can only edit Location of those who like your page. People who like you page and their friends – can only edit Location of those who like your page and their friends. Lookalike – People who like Sport Clips Haircuts. A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best existing customers. For example, if a source audience is made up of your best customers rather than all your customers, that could lead to better results.
Allocate Budget and Duration Total Budget – Maximum you will spend on your boosted post until you stop the ad. Duration – Choose how long you would like to run the ad: 1, 7, or 14 days. Notice by changing the budget and duration, your estimated reach will update*
Measurement on post success. Post Details Measurement on post success.
Digital Marketing iAPPS Log-In – www.sportclips.com/admin “Survey Says!” – www.sportclips.com/leadership Chad Jordan- John Musser, website.request@sportclips.com