Welcome to 7th Grade English Mrs. Newsom Dauphin Jr. High School Room 13
My information Name: Susan Newsom Email address: snewsom@enterpriseschools.net School phone: 334-347-1141 DJHS website: http://dauphin.al.ecj.schoolinsites.com/ * Calendar, Lesson plans, Announcements, email 5th block Planning; begins at 2:00
Index Cards Please add parent/guardian names Child’s name Parent/guardian phone number Parent/guardian email address THANK YOU!
Curriculum: Laying the Foundations (LTF) Very few multiple choice tests (students will mainly see these in some of their Vocabulary Quizzes) Project based assignments as major grades * Writing paragraphs/essays * Writing/drawing/analyzing activities
Focus in learning 1st 9 weeks Reading: Understanding Informational Texts - * Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland by Sally Walker * “The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island” * “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe * Jamestown Lifescape by Keith Rocco (Artwork Visual Text) Writing: Theme Analysis Grammar: Simple Sentences (subject/verb agreement, sentence fragments, etc.), Parts of Speech
Grading - Everything out of 100 pts. 3-4 Major grades (50%) Several Quiz grades (30%) Several Daily grades (20%) Please help me encourage your child to complete all assignments, and to make up work within 3 days after absences.
Classroom Behavioral Expectations We will follow the guidelines set in the student handbook. As you go over the “dress code” section with your child, please keep in mind that these are just a few to touch on: tank tops have to follow the 2”or 3 finger rule, no leggings, no jeans with holes above the knees, all pants/shorts must have pockets, shirts tucked on (boys), no strap tops, bulky jackets in classroom. No gum/sunflower seeds allowed on campus; automatic break detention per Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Steed
Absences/Tardies: Some changes Only 5 unexcused absences per semester * 3 days to make up missed work (this is the responsibility of the student) * If absence excused, student will receive full credit of grade earned * If absence unexcused, student will receive 70% credit of grade earned Four classroom tardies result in a referral
21st Century Learners: What this means TIE - Technology Innovation Experience TIE is a model professional learning community made up of a collective unit of digital leaders committed to ensuring every student is not only college & career ready, but also, life and future ready leaders of their own learning. Students will participate in coming up with “classroom norms” for guidelines and expectations in our classroom for TIE
What This Means for our Class Class set of Chromebooks * Students will be assigned the same Chromebook to use for the entire year. * Will receive a high percentage of their assignments through Google classroom * Will utilize pre-loaded Google apps for research, writing, creating, sharing, and presenting projects
Remind 101 1st Block: @0e2c0 2nd Block: @h66ga 3rd Block: @8cfbeb For text messages: To: 81010 1st Block: @0e2c0 2nd Block: @h66ga 3rd Block: @8cfbeb 4th Block: @37g3b Borrowed idea from Chelsea Smith: CJHS