Geo Terms & Map Elements – Game 1 GT 2 GT 3 GT 4 GT 5 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
The last one ended about 10,000 years ago. Click Here to Reveal Answer Ice Age CORRECT INCORRECT
When the Ice Age ended, Beringia became this. Click Here to Reveal Answer Bering Strait CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer The spread of cultural items—such as ideas, styles, religions, technologies, languages etc.—between individuals, whether within a single culture or from one culture to another. Click Here to Reveal Answer Cultural Diffusion CORRECT INCORRECT
Narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water. Click Here to Reveal Answer Strait CORRECT INCORRECT
Stretch of high land that separates river systems. Click Here to Reveal Answer Divide CORRECT INCORRECT
Land lying next to a sea or an ocean. Click Here to Reveal Answer Coast CORRECT INCORRECT
Land area, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water. Click Here to Reveal Answer Island CORRECT INCORRECT
Body of land jutting into a lake or ocean; surrounded on three sides by water. Click Here to Reveal Answer Peninsula CORRECT INCORRECT
Isthmus Narrow stretch of land connecting two larger land areas. Click Here to Reveal Answer Isthmus CORRECT INCORRECT
Point of land that extends into a river, lake, or ocean. Click Here to Reveal Answer Cape CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer Area of level land, usually at low elevation and often covered with grasses. Click Here to Reveal Answer Plain CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer Area of flat or rolling land at a high elevation, about 300-3,000 feet high. Click Here to Reveal Answer Plateau CORRECT INCORRECT
Elevated land area such as a hill, mountain, or plateau. Click Here to Reveal Answer Highland CORRECT INCORRECT
Land, usually level, at a low elevation. Click Here to Reveal Answer Lowland CORRECT INCORRECT
Broad, flat-topped landform with steep sides; smaller than a plateau. Click Here to Reveal Answer Mesa CORRECT INCORRECT
Mountain created as liquid rock and ash erupt from inside the earth. Click Here to Reveal Answer Volcano CORRECT INCORRECT
Area of low land between hills or mountains. Click Here to Reveal Answer Valley CORRECT INCORRECT
Canyon Deep and narrow valley with steep walls. Click Here to Reveal Answer Canyon CORRECT INCORRECT
Basin Area of land drained by a given river and its branches; area of land surrounded by lands of higher elevations. Click Here to Reveal Answer Basin CORRECT INCORRECT
Wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close to each other; deep part of a river or other waterway. Click Here to Reveal Answer Channel CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer One of many lines on the global grid that circles the earth north or south of the Equator; used to measure degrees of latitude. Click Here to Reveal Answer Parallel CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer Exact location of a place on the earth described by global coordinates. Click Here to Reveal Answer Absolute location CORRECT INCORRECT
One of many lines on the global grid running from the North Pole to the South Pole; used to measure degrees of longitude. Click Here to Reveal Answer Meridian CORRECT INCORRECT
Click Here to Reveal Answer Characteristic of a place occurring naturally, such as a landform, body of water, climate pattern, or resource. Click Here to Reveal Answer Physical feature CORRECT INCORRECT
Changes in elevation over a given area of land. Click Here to Reveal Answer Relief CORRECT INCORRECT
Instructions for Using this Game Template All of the slides you will need for a twenty-five question review game are included in this PowerPoint template and all of the navigational hyperlinks that allow the user to move between the main game screen and the individual question screens are pre-defined as well. To make a customized game, do the following: While working in the “Normal” or “Slide” view, you may edit the main game slide and each of the slides that contain the individual questions and answers. On the first slide, you may edit the names of the individual categories and the heading at the top of the screen. On each question slide, replace the sample question text placeholders with the specific question you wish to pose and type the proper answer in the corresponding answer box near the bottom of each slide. An open space has purposely been created below the “question” portion of each slide to allow for the insertion of a video clip from the unitedstreaming™ video library or a digital image from the unitedstreaming™ Image Library. Remember to save all such video and image files to your game project folder before you insert them into your slides—this will insure that all resources will display properly when you play the game. It is recommended that you set video clips to play automatically when you insert them into the individual question/answer slides. Remember that during the game, you can click within the confines of the movie clip at any time to pause the clip and wait for a student response. In order to “reset” the game and restore the appearance of the main game slide, just close the file and re-open it again to begin a new game. Marchessault 2003