Computer Lab 2014 Teacher: Mr. O’Neal
Am I in the right room? You are in room 219 for Business Dev. /Computer Applications
Who is my teacher? I have a wife that is a Respiratory Therapist at OH and 2 daughters and 1 son (Sharnell 11, Shaniya 8, DJ 7) I graduated from FAMU, Florida Southern College, and University of Phoenix with a degrees in Civil Engineering Tech., Accounting, and MBA I worked in the Business World over 10 years I have been teaching at Westridge for 2 years and FL
Where am I supposed to sit? Seating will be assigned by computer station numbers They will remain the same until I decide to make changes You do not choose your seats, I do
What are classroom procedures? Routines that help us maintain an efficient and smooth running class There are procedures for just about EVERYTHING in this class, and in life The sooner you learn and apply them the better your classroom experience will be We will go over all these class procedures in detail during the next few days
School-wide Procedures 2014 - 2015
10/10 Rule Students are not permitted to receive ANY pass out of class during the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of each class. This includes restroom passes.
Hall passes are only given for the following: Student requesting a pass must fill out his or her planner and have the teacher sign. Hall passes are only given for the following: Clinic Guidance Counselor Main Office S.A.F.E. Dean’s Office Media Center
Restroom Pass Student requesting a pass to the restroom MUST get permission from the teacher to use the class restroom pass. Student is only allowed to use the designated restroom located on the restroom pass.
Lunch Student must come to lunch with his or her assigned teacher at the designated time or be escorted to lunch by an OCPS staff member. Students MUST remain quiet and in a single line when coming to lunch and leaving from lunch.
Lunch Student MUST have his or her ID when coming to lunch. New: Your ID must be scanned in order for you to receive lunch. Students without an ID must wait to be served last.
Student MUST remain seated at his or her assigned table during lunch. Students desiring to use the restroom during lunch MUST raise their hand and receive permission. Once given permission, student must give his or her ID to the restroom monitor before entering.
Lunch Students without an ID must sign the Cafeteria Restroom Log before entering. Class tables and the area around the class tables must be clean before leaving the cafeteria.
Lunch Table washers will be selected daily to clean the class tables. Students will remain seated until dismissed to line up in front of teacher. Students will return to class quiet and in a single line.
Student MUST follow the directions of all lunch monitors. Block Day Lunch Students will follow the same procedures used for regular day lunches with one exception, students will be seated similar to breakfast seating. Student MUST follow the directions of all lunch monitors.
What will I be doing this year? In this class you will learn or refine your computer skills to create documents and presentations that you can use throughout your entire educational experience and career.
You will learn about… Keyboarding Computer History and New Technologies Word Processing – MS Word Spreadsheets – MS Excel Multimedia Presentations – PowerPoint Internet Safety and Search Skills Web Design and Programming Tech Careers College Prep
How will I be graded? Daily class work & activities Homework 90% Homework 10% Grades are used to find out how well you understand the content. It gives us an idea of what you’ve mastered and what you need help with. Make every effort to turn in all of your assignments. Zeros really affect your grade!
What materials will I need? Your student ID and birthday info Planner Composition Book Pen or Pencil and Paper
What are the policies for using the computers? Keep computer backgrounds and setting the same. Use computers for educational and research purposes only. Visit only sites approved by me Use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to end a task on a program that is not responding. Do not cut the power on the computer while it is running. Keep your hands on your computer only. Keep food and drinks (yes, even bottled water) away from the computers at all times. Keep cell phones and other electronics turned off and put away. Keep your music outside of the lab Follow OCPS Acceptable Use Policy Be a “Super” User
What is the Make-up work policy? It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and turn it in on time. You have 48 hours for every day you missed to turn in assignments. Check the class website to see what you have missed.
What is the Late work policy? A letter grade is dropped for each day assignment is late. Make every effort to turn your work in on time. Zeros affect your grade, be sure to turn everything in
How am I supposed to behave in this class? Keep work area clean and treat computers with care. Use polite, appropriate language. Be in your seat and prepared to work when the bell rings. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Follow directions the first time they are given. Keep personal grooming items outside of the class.
What are the consequences if I break the rules? 1st time: Name on board. Warning. 2nd time: One check. 20 min detention and writing assignment on Friday Afternoon. 3rd time: Two checks. 40 min detention and writing assignment on Friday afternoon and call parents. 4th time: Referral to grade level administrator. Severe Disruptions (Fighting, Bullying, Destruction of Property, Skipping Class, etc.): Immediate referral to grade level administrator. Names and checks erased at the end of each week.
How are Detentions handled? Detentions are served after school on Friday depending on my availability. I will schedule it and provide a form for your parents to sign. If you do not show up for a detention you will get a referral.
Successful Sayings Successful People Use These Words Often: Please Thank You You’re Welcome I’m Sorry Excuse Me You will practice these terms with me and your classmates regularly to develop successful habits
You Can Do it! I look forward to being your computer teacher this year I know that if we all work together it will be a great experience for all of us!