Discovering the meaning to our lives Study of Ecclesiastes Discovering the meaning to our lives
Study of Ecclesiastes Introduction: SOME THINGS TO PONDER Have you ever wanted to be free from all of your responsibilities? Have you ever wanted to unshackle yourself from the demands of life that weigh you down? Have you ever gotten the itch to strike out on your own so that you could fulfill some of those dreams within your mind? Have you ever wondered if your current lifestyle should be traded in for a new and more exciting lifestyle?
Study of Ecclesiastes If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! ARE YOU ONE OF THESE? Many people are dissatisfied, frustrated, even bored with their lives. Some people choose to live out their lives without making any serious attempt to change directions Others try numerous ways to interject adventure and excitement into what they feel is a humdrum existence. Few people if any have went as far as King Solomon did.
Study of Ecclesiastes SOMETHING TO KNOW ABOUT THE WISEST MAN MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE! King Solomon went through a period in his adult life when everything lost its importance and meaning. During this time, Solomon would call some of the most basic assumptions of life into question. With clenched fists and cynical words, he sneered into the face of God and sought to enjoy live and its meaning apart from Him. Solomon would record this desperate journey in a divinely inspired journal, which came to be known as Ecclesiastes. As we share Ecclesiastes together we will discover that Solomon’s experience is very much a reflection of our own. And we shall discover that the meaning of life cannot be realized without or apart from God.
Study of Ecclesiastes A Look at the Journal that we call Ecclesiastes The Author of Ecclesiastes Nowhere in the journal does the author give his name. However the author does tell us many things about himself that help us arrive at a well founded conclusion concerning his identity. For example he calls himself Qohelet (KOHELETH – CO-HE-LETH) , a Hebrew name usually translated “the Preacher”, “the Teacher”, or “Gatherer”. Eccl. 1:1,2, 12; 7:27; 12:8-10 Ecclesiastes as a word itself means in Hebrew the same as Qohelet (CO-HE-LETH) however in Greek, Ecclesiastes also defines as “member of or one who calls the assembly” Because the authors refers to himself in this way, Qohelet (CO-HE-LETH)“The Teacher” The book was given the title Ecclesiastes with the definition “one who calls the assembly” since it is “THE TEACHER” literally holding court with the readers.
Study of Ecclesiastes Other evidences of authorship The author identifies himself as a “son of David”, a “King in Jerusalem”, a “King over Israel in Jerusalem”, and the “He was the wisest person who ever ruled Jerusalem”, a “possessor of a large harem”, and he also recorded the words, “my wisdom stood by me”. We find that the book of Ecclesiastes is a record of the pursuits of King Solomon and the lessons he learned.
Study of Ecclesiastes THE MAIN THEME “All is Vanity!” – This word vanity also means – a breath, a gust of wind, or a stream of vapor. Solomon uses the word vanity to mean purposeless, meaningless. He tells the readers that nothing done “under the sun” has any real worth – The total value of humanities endeavors performed apart from God is ZERO.
Study of Ecclesiastes WHY DOES SOLOMON PICTURE LIFE AS POINTLESS? In Ecclesiastes we will discover many reasons given by Solomon to support his position, but one reason is predominant throughout his journal – That from a human perspective, life is just a repetitious cycle of events; it (Life) neither possesses nor gives lasting value or satisfaction. (let’s look at chapter 1 verses 2-11 In verses 13, 14 of the same chapter, he compares living our lives to discover and experience meaning is like “chasing the wind”.
Study of Ecclesiastes THE FLOW OF OUR STUDIES: Together we shall: Introduce the Journey – Chapter 1:1-11 Pursuing and Exploring – Chapters 1:12-6:9 Reflecting and Summarizing – Chapters 6:10-11:6 Being Young and Growing Old – Chapters 11:7-12:8 Drawing some Final Conclusions – Chapter 12:9-14