North Station Outbound & Inbound (drop off): At existing MBTA Bus Route 4 stop on the north side of Causeway Street
West Medford Outbound: At existing MBTA Bus Route 95 & 326 stop on the east side of Playstead Street Inbound: At existing MBTA Bus Route 95 & 326 stop on the west side of Playstead Street
Wedgemere Outbound & Inbound: In station parking lot between the lot’s 2 driveways off of Mystic valley Parkway
Winchester Outbound & Inbound: In station parking lot at existing MBTA bus route 134 stop.
Anderson/Woburn Outbound & Inbound: At station busway off of Atlantic Ave.
Wilmington Outbound & Inbound: In station parking lot between marked parking spaces 125-137, which will be closed off to cars.
North Billerica Inbound: At existing LRTA bus stop just inside the east parking lot, between the lot entrance and exit. Outbound: Just outside of the east lot between the entrance and exit on Billerica Ave.
Lowell Outbound (drop off) & Inbound: At the bus berth A3 at the LRTA Gallagher Terminal