Maricopa County Transportation Improvement Program Jennifer Toth, Director and County Engineer Maricopa County Department of Transportation Good morning! Thank you for having us join you today to talk about MCDOT’s TIP Program. This morning I will touch on the progress of our 2018 TIP, how MCDOT has responded to some challenges and how we will be addressing some of the new requirements in transportation. I will also share with you information regarding our 2019 TIP.
FY 2018 Progress BOS approved budget - $131.8 million Raising expenditure percentage to 70% External risks challenge project schedules Special considerations MAG Arterial Life Cycle Program ends in 2026 Gilbert Road Bridge Northern Parkway MCDOT’s 2018 TIP budget is $131 million and was an ambitious undertaking. Our goal this past year was to deliver 70% of our TIP program. We do not believe that we will reach that amount this year. Over the past year, we have realized that the level of risk to the TIP project schedules from external sources, especially from other agencies and jurisdictions, is greater than we previously thought. Our staff is working diligently to overcome these risks by coordinating more closely with these agencies and working through the issues together. We have seen some great progress through this collaboration, especially within our Utilities Branch. Additionally, MCDOT is looking at its current level of resources and how it can add resources effectively. We are looking at greater utilization of on-call contracts and possibly adding contract consultants to supplement our work force. Looking forward, MCDOT has a few special considerations we are evaluating as we look to fiscal year 19 and beyond. The MAG Arterial Life Cycle Program will be ending in eight years or in 2026. We still have the Gilbert Road Bridge and several Northern Parkway projects to complete by that time.
Sun Valley Parkway 2008 2017 MCDOT added a few additional of projects to its TIP Program this year. Two of these projects were located out on Sun Valley Parkway. The county assumed ownership of Sun Valley Parkway in 1989 and 1990 after construction was completed by the developers. Twenty years later, some large cracks began to develop. The County tried repairing them however, the cracks have once again emerged on Sun Valley Parkway. 2017 2017
Sun Valley Parkway Project Area I: ADT 6,000 VPD 11 miles 219th Ave. to Crozier Extension 291st Ave. to 219th Ave. Project Area II: ADT 4,000 VPD 5 miles I-10 to Camelback Rd. Project Area I To resolve this issue, MCDOT developed a series of projects in two areas and is currently working to reconstruct the roadway. The first project area records an average daily traffic volume of roughly 6,000 vehicles per day. The project limits for the first area begins just west of Desert Oasis Blvd to the Surprise city limits and is a little more than 11 miles. This area has been broken down into two separate projects. The area extending from 219th Avenue to just east of Crozier Extension Road is currently in construction. The remaining segment from 291st Avenue to 219th Avenue will go to construction in 2019. The second project area records an average daily traffic volume of roughly 4,000 vehicles per day. The project limits for the first area begins near Interstate 10 and continues to just north of Camelback Road. This section is roughly five miles. In addition to vehicles, Sun Valley parkway is heavily utilized by cyclist. We know these restoration projects will improve the ride-ability of Sun Valley Parkway for them as well. For reference only: 2016 Traffic volumes Sun City Festival east to City of Surprise less than 6,000 vpd (total both directions) Tartesso south to I-10 less than 4,000 vpd (total both directions) Between Tartesso and Sun City Festival around 600 vpd Phase I starts 3,320 ft west of Desert Oasis Blvd and extends to City of Surprise city limits. Approximately 11.13 miles Phase II starts at our start of maintenance near I-10 and extends approximately 5.4 miles to 1 mile north of Camelback Rd Project Area II
Updates and New Requirements ADA Conformance Sidewalks Curb ramps Bus stops Guardrail Upgrade New height – 31 inches Three new end terminals selected ADA Ramps MCDOT is responsible for more than 2,000 miles of roadway throughout unincorporated Maricopa County. This includes facilities that accommodate travel for the disabled population. In late 2017, MCDOT began updating its ADA facilities inventory. The last full inventory was completed in 1994 with updates in 2011 and 2015. The 2017 inventory identified facilities on MCDOT roadways and determined, of those, which may need further evaluation to determine potential accessibility issues: 1,286 miles of sidewalk 1,029 miles of inadequate sidewalk width 50 locations with identified obstructions in pedestrian way 12,163 total existing curb ramps 10,391 curb ramps without detectable warnings including: 78 signalized intersections 70 traffic island curb ramps 3,453 potential locations for new curb ramps 6,556 driveways crossing sidewalks with vertical curbs 3,353 potential cross slope issues 78 bus stops 73 possible accessibility issues This slide here, shows a portion of Sun City West and our initial review identifying ramp locations and sidewalks that may need widening to provide passing areas. The red handicap symbols are ramp locations and the yellow squares are the potential sidewalk areas needing passing areas. Earlier this year, we posted a copy of our findings and our ADA transition plan to include outo the MCDOT website. Guardrail Beginning January 1, 2018, all guardrail installations, either new guardrail or replacements of old guardrail, must conform to new height requirements of 31 inches. The current standard allows for 28 inches. Additionally, after June 30, 2018 all end treatments must also meet new requirements. MCDOT has identified three end terminals that currently meet the new requirements that will be used on its facilities.
FY 2019 – 2023 TIP $5M MCDOT has submitted its 2019 TIP Program to the Board of Supervisors, who will vote on the budget on June 27. This graph reflects our proposed TIP programming. Our projects for the next four years have been identified and programmed. However, you can see that we currently have roughly $54 million set aside in fiscal year 23. For more information regarding MCDOT’s upcoming TIP projects, you can visit our project page at And for more information regarding MCDOT’s upcoming contracts, both for professional services and construction, visit With that, I will turn it over to Michael to provide you with an update for the Flood Control District. Thank you.
Thank you!