Brown V Board of Education Alice, Leftheris, and kyan
Background of this case As you probably know, schools now are very different then they were before. In Louisiana, a law was passed that allowed schools to be segregated by race. This means that African American children weren’t in the same schools as white children. This was thought to be ok as long as the schools were “separate but equal”. Brown knew thought that this was wrong and violated the 14th amendment of the Equal Protection Clause. Brown knew that the schools were separate, but were not equal, so Brown took the case to court. The court agreed with Brown and stopped the law that segregated “separate but equal” schools. They agreed that school segregation by race violated the 14th amendment.
Essential Question Does the segregation of public education based solely on on race violated the Equal Protection Clause if the 14th Amendment?
What Constitutional principles are related to this case? The Constitutional principle that are related to this case is the 14th amendment The 14th amendment is the Equal Protection Clause
Outcome? The court agreed with Brown and decided that segregation of schools based on race is wrong because it violates the 14th amendment of the Equal Protection Clause. The segregation of schools was supposed to be “separate but equal” but the court realized that the schools are separate but are not actually equal.
Impact on the U.S? Why is this case considered a landmark case? The impact of this case on the U.S is that schools are not segregated anymore and African American children and other children of different races have the same quality of education in the same schools to ensure that the education is truly equal. This is considered a landmark case because it was very important not only back then, but still impacts the U.S to this day and for the future. It ensures equal education no matter your race.
Works cited on
The end Hope you enjoyed!