18 Symbolic Convergence Theory of Ernest Bormann 1
Symbolic Interaction Theory VIRAL VIDEOS How do videos go viral? 2
Symbolic Interaction Theory Theory helps explain the relationships among TASTEMAKERS COMMUNITIES OF PARTICIPATION THAT WHICH IS “UNEXPECTED” How tastemakers influence communities of participation to respond to the unexpected. 3
Symbolic Convergence Theory Slide 4 Symbolic Convergence Theory Symbolic convergence: two or more private symbol worlds incline toward each other, come more closely together, or even overlap Concerned with group response to a message or imagery 4
Symbolic Convergence Theory Slide 5 Symbolic Convergence Theory Bormann observed that group members often dramatized events happening outside the group—things that took place at previous meetings, or what might occur in the future 5
Symbolic Convergence Theory At times, group members added to the stories or chimed in with matching narratives (creators) Sharing group fantasies fosters group cohesion when accepted enthusiastically (consumers) 6
That is, they appeal to rhetorical communities with the “unexpected.” Slide 7 Tastemakers Rhetorical visionaries: persons who communicate the composite drama that catches up large groups of people into a common symbolic reality That is, they appeal to rhetorical communities with the “unexpected.” 7
Participant Community Response Slide 8 Participant Community Response Dramatizing message: imaginative language by group member describing past, future, or outside event; a creative interpretations “Dramatizing accounts of past occurrences artistically organize what are usually more complex, ambiguous, and chaotic experiences” 8
Fantasy Themes and The Unexpected Slide 9 Fantasy Themes and The Unexpected Fantasy theme: content/essence of the dramatized message Bormann: group members’ meanings, emotions, motives, and actions apparent in fantasy themes Many fantasy themes indexed by symbolic cue – agreed-upon trigger that sets off group members to respond as they did when they first shared the fantasy 9
Fantasy Chaining and The Unexpected) Slide 10 Fantasy Chaining and The Unexpected) Fantasy chain: symbolic explosion of agreement within a group in response to a member’s dramatizing message Common ground, meeting of the minds, mutual understanding, meeting of the minds, groupiness, common social reality and/or empathic communion Acceptance of the theme does not mean uniform chain response 10
Hope and Change How does this …. The “unexpected” 11
Hope and Change Become this …. Dramatizing message 12
Hope and Change And lead to this …. Unpredictable fantasy chain 13
Hope and Change And result in the ravings of intelligent, professional people …. Fantasy themes “He’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” “Seriously, I really think he’s a messiah figure for America.” “The morning after the election, I’m going to wake up and feel like I’m in heaven.” (Weigel, 2009, p. 24) 14
Critique: Judging SCT as Both a Scientific and Interpretive Theory Slide 15 Critique: Judging SCT as Both a Scientific and Interpretive Theory When 6 standards for social science theory and 6 criteria for interpretive theory are applied, SCT stands up Minimal success determining when a dramatizing message will trigger a chain reaction Prosocial bias Ignores issues of power 15
Types of Power Relationships Slide 16 Types of Power Relationships Racial inequality Sexual inequality Economic inequality Marginalized groups Lack of access to public sphere 16