CSSE463: Image Recognition Day 16 Project Teams: Traffic Sign Detection: Wenkang D, Shunfan D, Fangyuan W, Songyu W Lip Reading: Matt M, Alex M, Tucker O, Jiaye S. Handwriting OCR: Patrick R, Brandon R, Chen Y, Yuankai W Image Translation: Quinn S, Cheng X, Xiwen L Bird Detector: Joseph J, Zachary S, Joe N, Tong L Jigsaw Puzzle Solver: Ethan R, Shunhao C, Netta G, Eric R Collage: Chad E, Ben K, Weimu S, Ray B, John M Google Brain: Max D, Amanda S, Daniel M, Jeremiah C, Shangbao H Puzzle Me Not: Christopher K, Davis G, Michael C, Remy B reCAPTCHA: John W, Chloe Y, Jim Y, Olivia Z Rose Brain: Jindong C, Jerry Q, Yvette W, Zhou Z Brain Tumors: Gavin K, Tony G, An H Next step: do a literature search (due end of week 6) and start downloading or generating your data set.
Common model of learning machines Statistical Learning (fitcsvm) Labeled Training Images Extract Features (color, texture) Summary Test Image Extract Features (color, texture) Classifier (predict) Label