PAUL RETURNS TO EPHESUS Third missionary journey (At.18.23,24) Most likely took a ‘northern’ route Sought to strengthen the churches and explain fully Jesus Messiah (At.19.1-8) Caused a division in the synagogue Continued teaching for two years in the school of Tyrannus (At.19.9) Syncretism and revival (At.19.19-41) Some tried to mix old and new beliefs Many burned their magic books Demetrius and his idols
CONTEXTUALIZATION VS. SYNCRETISM A dynamic relationship between “cultural relevancy” and “ theological coherence” Allowing Christianity to find its correct expression in a particular cultural setting Syncretism The conscious or unconscious reshaping of Christian plausibility structures, beliefs, and practices through cultural accommodation so that they reflect those of the dominant culture The blending of Christian beliefs and practices with those of the dominant culture so that Christianity loses it distinctiveness and speaks with a voice reflective of its culture
1 CORINTHIANS Written from Ephesus (?) Evidence indicates that he wrote at least 4 letters (1Cor.5.9; 2Cor.2.4; 7.8) Addressed principle issues in the church: Divisions (1.10-4.21) Tolerance of gross immorality (1Cor.5) Questions about marriage (1Cor.7) Rights and responsibilities (1Cor.8) Worship practices (11-14) Questions about the resurrection (1Cor.15)
THE QUESTION OF DIVISIONS Sectarianism: Following and/or strongly supporting the views or positions of a particular individual or group Adherence to the beliefs and practices of a sect The “sects” in the church in Corinth Paul Cephas (Peter) Apollos Jesus Caused by Christian immaturity
NATURAL vs. SPIRITUAL NATURAL PERSON SPIRITUAL PERSON -Worldly -Has God’s Spirit -Fallen -Understands the -Does not understand things of God the things of God CARNAL PERSON -A believer who lives like an unbeliever -The root cause of divisions
CHRISTIAN LIVING The question of tolerance of gross sexual misconduct Sought both the protection of the church and the salvation of the offender The question of lawsuit The results of sectarianism The church should be able to handle this God and the body Glorify God with your body The question of marriage Paul’s principle – remain as you are The question of food The proper use of Christian freedom
ISSUES OF WORSHIP The role of women Assumes participation Tries to balance the question of authority and mutuality The observance of the Lord’s Supper Emphasis on order and reverence Follow the Lord’s pattern The use of spiritual gifts A variety of gifts; one body The purpose is edification of the church Suggests a “hierarchy” of gifts Love should be the dominate factor
RATIONALIZING SIN “Everything is permissible for me” (10;23) SLOGAN REBUTTAL “Everything is permissible for me” (10;23) “Food is for the stomach and the stomach for food” (6:13) “Every sin that a man commits is outside the body” (6:18) “Not everything is beneficial” “I will not be mastered by anything” “God will destroy them both” “The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord” Sexual sin is against his own body The body is the Temple of the Spirit You are bought with a price
THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD Questioned by some Over 500 witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Jesus’ resurrection as a key to belief If Jesus wasn’t resurrected, there is no resurrection and Christian hope is dead The nature of the resurrected body Made a distinction between what is perishable and imperishable The necessity of a transformation – “ the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable”
2 CORINTHIANS Paul’s change of plans (2 Cor.1) Restoring the repentant (2Cor.2) The new covenant (2Cor.2.14-7.18) Superior to the old “Treasure in clay jars” (4.7) Confidence in the face of death A new creation (5.17) The ministry of reconciliation (5.18-21) The offering (2Cor.8,9) Defending his authority (2Cor.10-13)