…he eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Israel… Eager Expectation …he eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Israel… Luke 2:25-32 2
Simeon… Did not grow cranky because of hope deferred. Did not lose hope because things took time to come about. The longer he waited, the deeper his faith grew. The delay gave him opportunities to grow in the Lord. He trusted God & expected God to fulfil His promises. 3
Walk in the Spirit To ‘walk in the Spirit’ is to consciously place all of your life under the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. – Ephesians 5:6 Be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 5:18 Walk in the Spirit, do not ‘sit’ in the Spirit! “In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.” – Jeremiah 29:12-13 4
Rejoice in the Spirit “... all of God's promises have been fulfilled in him”. – 2 Corinthians 1:20 A fresh vision of the Saviour is what is needed so that you will rejoice in the Spirit. Joy and gladness is anchored in our security in Jesus and causes us to rejoice in the Spirit. “[Happy] are those who realise their need for Him [God], for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.” – Matthew 5:3 5
The Gift He was with God in the beginning – John 1:2 He is life in all its essential fullness – John 1:4 He has been given – John 3:16 How to accept the Gift – Acts 2:38 The Gift has been promised to you – Acts 2:39 6