AGENDA: Announcements PD IPDP EES & Pre-Observation Conference
Professional Development Learning Targets
PD Learning Targets: DEMONSTRATE: DO Teachers will learn the change in the 7 Instructional Strategies and understand the rationale behind the change. I can explain and describe the first 2 components of effective learning targets. DEMONSTRATE: Teachers will be able to summarize the change and reason for the change I will create a clear learning target using the first 2 components DO Core Professionalism: Domain 4 Evidence, Tripod Reflection, and IPDP Classroom Observation Student Learning Objective (SLO)
7 Instructional Strategies Examples and Exemplars I do, We do, You do Concrete to Pictorial to Abstract Think-Pair-Share Writing Questioning Descriptive Feedback
Learning Targets: Learning targets are an essential component of all effective lessons 5 minutes
A Guide for Effective Learning Targets 4 components Students need to discuss and clarify the target Exemplars Examples and non-examples
Learning Targets: Using the 2 components of a good learning target, self assess your learning targets. 1 minute
Learning Targets: Do Now Using what you learned today, rewrite or write your learning target on the exit pass. 15 minutes
Let’s do this together... When teachers consistently share learning targets in meaningful ways, students know where they are heading and they share in the responsibility for getting there. Learning Targets don’t need to be perfect to be impactful.
IPDP MoHS Individual Prof. Development Plan 20 minutes Robin wll go over the template and quick tips with all-- may share “exemplars”? As teachers looking over the template and tips, VPs will circulate to ensure all teachers understand how to fill in template
IPDP Learning Targets: I can explain and describe how to create my IPDP. DO TODAY: I will reflect on the importance of the IPDP I will discuss and give feedback on the tools for creating the IPDP Core Professionalism: Domain 4 Evidence, Tripod Reflection, and IPDP Classroom Observation Student Learning Objective (SLO) DEMONSTRATE: I will create a well thought out IPDP.
What matters? (.15 - .3 effect size is one year of typical teacher) Retention or -.34 repeating Ability Grouping .12 Class size .21 Homework .29 Powerpoints & .36 Internet Teaching Strategies .6 Relationships .72 Teacher Clarity .75 (Learning Targets) Feedback .76 Teacher estimate 1.62 of achievement
What matters? (.15 - .3 effect size is one year of typical teacher) Retention or repeating -.34 Ability Grouping .12 Class size .21 Homework .29 Powerpoints & Internet .36
What matters? (.15 - .3 effect size is one year of typical teacher) Teaching Strategies .6 Relationships .72 Teacher Clarity (Learning Targets) .75 Feedback .76 Teacher estimate of achievement 1.62
Turn and Talk Why is it important to do an IPDP each year? 5 minutes
IPDP Template Component 3 (pg. 5): Actions I will take as a teacher & changes in my teaching practice Actions I will take w/ my students & changes in student learning & growth 2 minutes
IPDP Template and Quick-Tips Study the Template and the Quick Tips with a partner 10 minutes
Draft due (components 1, 2 and 1st half of 3): October 6th to PDE3 SHARE OUT: Questions Any questions? Draft due (components 1, 2 and 1st half of 3): October 6th to PDE3 5 minutes
Fire Evacuation Map - temporary until track project is complete Announcement: Fire Evacuation Map - temporary until track project is complete
EES What’s New? What about deadlines?