Poster title Authors Instructions Affiliations Instructions After reading them, delete these instructions. Add photos, graphs, tables and text boxes to suit. Don’t include too much text (e.g. not more than 150 words) and use a large font. Good posters rely more on photos and graphs. Keep tables and graphs simple. If you wish to use different software to create your poster, use A0 size, and include the AARES logo and conference details. You can upload your poster to the conference web site (where you submitted your abstract). If you do, it will be publicly available at the AgEcon Search web site after the conference. If you wish to omit the logo and conference details to allow the poster to be reused for another purpose, you will need to include them on a cover sheet (together with title, authors and affiliations) when you upload the poster to the conference web site. 60th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society, Canberra, Australia, 2-5 February 2016