News Filter
Problem/Need Unsafe Influenced Misperception, Insecurity, Sponsored Hatred, Conflict. The need is to get in touch with real and trustworthy news.
solution A website that creates the opportunity to receive information from official sources, which will thus provide assurance on what is the official opinion of the Balkan countries.
RTK B92 RTSH Same topic Translated Website
Customer Segments Different ages Different Background Special focus on Political, Cultural, Economic issues The website includes a large region (Balkan States)
Marketing Public Television Social Networks
UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION Real News (Official news) In time Collaboration of news from Balkan states Language diversity User friendly
KEY metrics Clicks Users Reactions Key topics- impact Poll FeedBack
Cost stRUcture Product Quantity Price Total per product Domain 1 20€ Hosting 30€ Programmer (Back End) 1500€ Designer (Front End) 600€ Publisher 200€ Translator 2 300€ Marketing 800€ TOTAL : 3750 €
Revenue Streams Google ads Microsoft Bing Ads Ads from different companies.