UNITED STATES ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL U.S ARMY SOLDIER SUPPORT INSTITUTE Practical Exercise and Answer Booklet Version B – Answer Key Prepare a Statement of Agent Officer’s Account (DD Form 1081) UNITED STATES ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AAB6B101 PE B AK December 2012
_The Disbursing Officer or the deputy agent 1. Who should make a thorough investigation of a selected cashier to ensure that he/she has unquestionable integrity? _The Disbursing Officer or the deputy agent 2. Who appoints a Cashier? The Disbursing Officer or the deputy agent How many copies of a letter of appointment are issued? Three (original and 2 copies). _____ 4. What amount would go in block 2b of the DD Form 1081? $15,575.00_____ 5. What amount would go in block 2e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00_____ 6. What amount would go in block 3b of the DD Form 1081? $16,000.00_____ 7. What amount would go in block 3c of the DD Form 1081? 8. What amount would go in block 7A, b of the DD Form 1081? $1,000.00______ 9. What amount would go in block 12c of the DD Form 1081? $32,575.00____ 10. What amount would go in block 2d of the DD Form 1081? $1,250.00______ 1 AAB6B101 PE B AK December 2012
2 11. What amount would go in block 3d of the DD Form 1081? $7,280.00______ 12. What amount would go in block 5b of the DD Form 1081? $1,000.00_____ 13. What amount would go in block 7A, d of the DD Form 1081? $770.00_______ 14. What amount would go in block 7A, e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00_______ 15. What amount would go in block 7C, d of the DD Form 1081? $15,100.00_____ 16. What amount would go in block 7C, e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00____ 17. What amount would go in block 8d of the DD Form 1081? $7,450.00______ 18. What amount would go in block 8e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00_____ 19. What amount would go in block 10e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00________ 20. What amount would go in block 12e of the DD Form 1081? $1,725.00_____ 2 AAB6B101 PE B AK December 2012
3 YOUR NAME YOUR SSN 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 YOUR PHONE NUMBER JOHN TONEY, CPT, FC 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 (912) 767-1212 15,575.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 32,575.00 X X 26 JAN 20** JOHN TONEY CPT, FC 26 JAN 20** YOUR SIGNATURE 3 AAB6B101 PE B AK December 2012
4 JOHN TONEY, CPT, FC 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 (912) 767-1212 YOUR NAME YOUR SSN 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 YOUR PHONE NUMBER 32,575.00 1,250.00 7,280.00 1,000.00 770.00 15,100.00 7,450.00 1,725.00 X X 26 JAN 20** JOHN TONEY CPT, FC 26 JAN 20** YOUR SIGNATURE 4 AAB6B101 PE B AK December 2012