Prevent Matching Card Game To be completed by students.
INSTRUCTIONS Set printer to print 4/6 slides per page. Print, laminate and cut. Make sure there are enough copies for 1 between 2 learners. Get the students into pairs and ask them in their pairs to match the questions with the answer cards. Then discuss and compare answers with all the groups in the class. Whichever pair has the most questions right, they are given points which will go towards a prize right at the end of all the activities per term. Once the learners are confident in matching the questions with the correct answers they will move to the intermediate stage, which is the hot seat game. In the hot seat game, learners are required to answer questions at the front of the class in front of others, without the help of their partner and without the Q&A cards. Again, depending upon number of questions answered correctly, they will get points that go towards the prize.
What is Prevent?
Prevent is a strategy created by the government to respond to a range of threats faced in the UK
Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threats of terrorism
What is the main aim of Prevent?
The main aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
What are the 4 Contest elements?
Prevent Pursue – to stop terrorists attacks Protect – to strengthen our protection against terror attacks. Prepare – when an attack occurs, to mitigate impact.
What is Channel?
Channel provides support across the country to those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism
How does Channel work?
Channel works by parties assessing the nature and extent of the risk and acting when necessary.
What is radicalisation?
Radicalisation is a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social or religious ideals and aspirations
Who is vulnerable to radicalisation?
There isn’t a specific profile for someone who could be drawn into terrorism but here are some vulnerabilities and signs: Significant life events Desire for political change Grievance/insurance Feeling under threat Mental health issues
What is ideology?
It is a set of beliefs.
What is radicalisation?
This term refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism, potentially leading to terrorism
What is terrorism?
An action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to a property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. ( TACT 2000)
What does Safeguarding in relation to Prevent mean?
The process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism-related activity.
Who are the far right?
Groups or individuals who plan or commit serious criminal activity motivated by a political or ideological viewpoint which includes all/some of the following: Extreme nationalism Racialism Fascism Anti-Semitism
What are interventions?
They are projects intended to divert people who are being drawn into terrorist activity. Interventions can include mentoring, counselling, theological support and providing mainstream services.
What does the term vulnerability mean?
It describes factors and characteristics associated with being vulnerable to radicalisation.