TECHCON Presentation Sample Slides The SRC logo MUST be displayed on your presentation materials! Logos are available at the end of this deck. TECHCON Presentation Sample Slides Presenter Name followed by additional Authors University Presenter email address These three items required on the title slide Task NNNN.nnn Required on EVERY slide
Presentation Equipment Each conference room will have a Projector and screen, Lavalier microphone plus podium microphone, Logitech R800 remote presenter with bright green laser pointer and slideshow remote controls, and Microsoft Windows 10 laptop running PowerPoint 2013 Loaded with your submitted slides. You can create your presentation with your preferred program as long as you can save or export it to PowerPoint format (ppt, pptx). Use of your own laptop or other device for the presentation is not allowed. Task NNNN.nnn
Presentation Room Examples Task NNNN.nnn
Presentation Timing Presentations should be timed to fill 15 minutes. Time limits will be strictly enforced. Save questions for poster presentation at TechFair. Practice, practice, practice. Task NNNN.nnn
Getting Started Your written paper will be available to attendees prior to your presentation. Your goal is to help the attendees understand your research and ideas. Do not read your paper to them. Do not read your slides to them. Make every word count! Task NNNN.nnn
Research Motivation A slide should describe your research motivation. Describe the problems addressed in your research. Explain why this research is important to industry. Remember that not everyone in the audience will be familiar with your research project. Task NNNN.nnn
Technology Transfer Industry Interactions Internships (if appropriate) List any industry experts involved with your research. Say a few words about your interactions with industry. Internships (if appropriate) Describe transfer/information exchange that happened during an internship at a member company. Publications/presentations Where is your work published? Have you made a presentation to a member company? Required: Include a slide that describes your technology transfer accomplishments such as… Task NNNN.nnn
Presentation Basics You do not have to use this template. However, required information indicated throughout this document must be included. Use 4:3 aspect ratio for your slides. Use clear illustrations and ensure that all lines, numbers, and captions are of sufficient thickness so that they are visible when projected. High contrast is important because projectors are more dim than computer screens. Include your name and slide number in the footer. Review the Author’s Kit for more helpful tips! Discover more PowerPoint best practices. Task NNNN.nnn
Best Practices for Fonts Use 24 point font or larger. No more than 40 words per slide. No more than 8 lines per slide. To avoid questions of PowerPoint compatibility and prevent nasty surprises, embed fonts. Learn more for Windows and for Macs. Alternatively, convert fonts to vectors or use only compatible fonts (e. g. Arial, Courier New, Lucida Sans, Times New Roman, Verdana). Task NNNN.nnn
Mac Users—Please Read Please convert your file to PC format (or PDF) for presentation. Be aware that Mac-to-PC PowerPoint conversions can lead to unexpected results, especially with fonts, certain formats of embedded graphics, and special characters. Embed fonts to prevent nasty surprises. Learn more for Macs. Task NNNN.nnn
Presentation Review You are required to review your final presentation on Sunday, September 16th between 2 PM and 6 PM. A Presentation Review Station will be set up in the Rio Grande Exhibit Hall on the lower level. SRC Staff will help you ensure that your presentation appears as expected on the conference computers. As a backup, you are required to bring your presentation file with you to the conference on a USB drive. Task NNNN.nnn
SRC Logo Options Option #1 Option #2 Task NNNN.nnn
Research Program Logo Options White background Transparent background Task NNNN.nnn