The Supply Chain Intelligence Company Halo Sales, Operations, Forecasting, Machine Learning Brent Glendening, - VP of Supply Chain Solutions
Halo Offers: Data Warehouse Accelerators Data Quality Solutions Dashboards / Visualization S&OP Applications Customer / Supplier Portals Machine Learning (What if’s) Budgeting & Forecasting Halo Advisory Services Data Scientist as a Managed Services
450+ customers worldwide with 10,000+ active users Food and Beverage Manufacturing Retail
“Best in Class” Configurable Dashboards, Reports and Scorecards Supply Chain Master Data Management Pre-built Applications & Consensus Forecasting “Best in Class” Configurable Dashboards, Reports and Scorecards Supply Chain Master Data Management Data Governance Standardize on definition A technical version of how Halo works.
Governance & Integrity Controls that turn bad data into information you can trust Duplicate records Address Corrections UOM – Measurements Correcting abbreviations in names or units of measure Supplement source data with other data sets Monitor status via automated processes
Sales Analytics Solutions Year over year sales comparison by sales team, customer, by product Customer profitability Product profitability Booking and backlog comparisons Cost to Serve calculations Product Quality costs Past due tracking Sales Rep Ranking
Customer Scorecards & Cost to Serve Solutions YTD Sales Margin Margin % Price Mix Service Cost Volume Change By Channel By Rep By Business
Inventory Tracking & Replenishment Solutions Inventory Trending Standard inventory On- hands Inventory Turn information Excess & Obsolete Dead Stock Reports
Manufacturing Dashboards – including Supplier details Production volume trending Schedule Adherence Schedule Attainment Quality metrics Downtime Yield
Supplier Management Solution & Scorecards Supplier year over year volumes On-time delivery Quality PPV tracking Trend analysis Advanced alerting for negative trends Completely configurable for your environment
Transportation / Cost to Serve Branch Carrier Customer DC Hub Key Metrics Cost Units Freight Cost Load
Scheduled and Alert Based Reports Past Due Up Coming OTD Replenishment Order Req
Halo Forecasting Workflow Data Integration Generate Baseline Forecast Scenarios / What-ifs Reporting/Analytics Halo Forecasting Workflow Sales by Product Customer Channel Schedule Production Balance Inventory Sales and Operations Planning Generate Reorder Points Consensus Meetings Territory Planning New Product Introductions An example of data migration with Dynamics AX and Halo used at The Leatherman Tool Group. Tournament Multiple Iterations Segmentation
Automatic Tournament Modeling – “Best Fit Pairing”
Packaged from our Data Scientists/Developers to take advantage of best practices 100% integrated into Halo Slice/Dice and Drill Up/Down Unique forecast for every combination of any 3 dimensions Example: Instead of running 31 product forecasts, Halo automatically creates forecasts for every customer, every product, and every business unit 100% automated – Forecasts for every SKU by every Customer Always learning from historical sales and projecting 12 months into the future 100% customized to your data Beverage distributors, Manufacturing/Distribution, Retail, Healthcare, Insurance, etc. 100% integrated into the Halo solution No new toolsets to learn, designed to be used by business users/analyst
Halo Forecasting Workflow + Machine Learning Data Integration Generate Baseline Forecast Scenarios / What-ifs Reporting/Analytics Halo Forecasting Workflow Sales by Product Customer Channel Schedule Production Balance Inventory Sales and Operations Planning Generate Reorder Points Consensus Meetings Territory Planning New Product Introductions An example of data migration with Dynamics AX and Halo used at The Leatherman Tool Group. Tournament Multiple Iterations Segmentation HaloBoost / Machine learning Introduces other data factors to the model - Weather, Housing starts, Holidays…
Example forecast validation dashboard
HaloBoost improves forecasting and drives AI innovation Daily demand sensing model improves inventory management and sales Segment with forecast issues can be identified faster, leading to faster remediation of supply chain breakdowns Machine learning model with AI automatically adjusts for holidays, promotions, even weather factors that can affect retail sales
Technology Capabilities Visibility and Analysis Five Phases of a Successful S&OP Process Halo S&OP Technology Capabilities Scope of S&OP Process Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Supply Planning Process Financial Reconciliation Executive Alignment Visibility and Analysis Retirement New Product introductions Product Rationalization Brand Assessment Statistical Forecast Market intelligence feedback Customer inputs Planning tracking workflow Forecast change tracking Multiple Scenario creation and comparisons Forecasting Accuracy comparisons Master production Scheduling Demand Capacity analysis Inventory forecasting Strategic reconciliation plan Demand plan comparison for Revenue Supply plan reconciliation production run-rates Inventory plan Demand Consensus Supply Consensus Inventory projection Consensus Forecast accuracy There are five major phase of a Standard S&OP process for Manufacturing and Distribution Companies, the first phase it a review of the new product introduction timing, and the retirement of other Products, This is very important to gage additional sales from new products or are we eating to existing sales of another product. A lot of companies call this the Vitality of their product offerings. The Second phase is Forecasting and building a consensus Demand plan. A Consensus Demand plan is the agreed upon Sales targets for the company for a set period of time. The Third phase is understanding the Supply plan, either in the units that needs to be produced or purchased, what are the labor requirements of the capacity constraints for a factory or production line, or a work center. The Forth step is the reconciliation of the new Demand and Supply plans to the yearly budgets for Sales, COGS, and Inventory value. The Fifth step is the agreement by all the executives that this is the direction we are going to head for the next period of time. With out these steps, you will not understand the costs of having a bad demand or supply plan. The Goal is to reduce the costs of poor plans.
New Product Introduction Product Reviews New Product Introductions Product Rationalization Brand Assessment A heathy company is a company that has a heathy mix of new products and existing product to increase sales, or reduce costs. This is gives you a view into the heath of the product lines or / the retirement of older non-performing products. Some companies uses the Phrase of “product Vitality”
Demand Plan Comparisons Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Forecast change tracking Multiple scenario creation and comparisons Forecasting accuracy comparisons
Demand Plan Comparisons Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Statistical forecast Market intelligence feedback Customer inputs Planning tracking workflow This is the detailed view to review your new demand plan to the prior demand plans, to point out changes and review the accuracy of past forecast as compared to Actuals.
Supply and Capacity Planning Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Supply Planning Process Master production scheduling Demand capacity analysis Inventory forecasting The Goal of the supply Capacity planning will allow you to look to the future and project potential bottle necks in you supply capability. Some companies are labor constrained, or they are line rate constrained, or they maybe constrained by the incoming Raw Material. The goal of this views is to search for those constraints and take action to move production orders in to build inventory to facilitate a Peak in demand, or understand that the demand will need to be moved out to allow for production capacities.
Strategic Reconciliation Plan Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Supply Planning Process Financial Reconciliation Strategic reconciliation plan Demand plan comparison for revenue Supply plan reconciliation production run-rates Inventory plan Every Corporation will set an annual budget about two months before that start of a new fiscal period. The Goal of this view is to look for dramatic changes in the new plans, demand/supply or inventory and the effect on the financial plans for the company. If it is a public traded company this could be used for a indication of a change in business. This is normally done between the financial team and the planning team.
Overview and Decision Making Product Reviews Demand Planning Process Supply Planning Process Financial Reconciliation Executive Alignment Demand Consensus Supply Consensus Inventory Projection Consensus Forecast Accuracy Here is an example of the integrated views for each of the three plans. This view also allow you to slide by plant, product group, or customers if you have the details to that level.
Automatic emails sent telling you what to reorder
An Advanced Information Hub Gartner Inc. “The Halo platform acts as an advanced information hub for supply chain intelligence. It enables companies to answer questions with scorecards, dashboards, performance monitors, and analytic and reporting tools. Use cases include the ability to track inventory and inventory aging, or to allow business partners to gain insight into their performance. It is designed to support collaboration within the enterprise and with supply chain partners.” Christian Titze, Research Director. Gartner Inc.
Brandon Kirby, VP – Microsoft Dynamics Suite Next Steps 1) Expect a follow-up from us. Brandon Kirby, VP – Microsoft Dynamics Suite 619-995-9400 2) Consider a Proof-of-Concept – live demonstration using your data