Structures & Functions The Cell Structures & Functions
Cells Are the building blocks of all living things (Legos of life) Are prokaryotic or eukaryotic Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus to contain DNA (blue green algae, bacteria) Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus to contain DNA and organelles surrounded by membranes
Organelles The parts that make up a cell are all called organelles Each organelle has a different job to do There are many organelles but we will be studying just five of them
The Nucleus Found in eukaryotic cells The control center of the cell Contains chromosomes, which are the genetic blueprints of the cell Chromosomes are strands of DNA and are sometimes called chromatin
The Nucleus DNA has the instructions to control everything going on in the cell.
Cell Membrane The cell membrane surrounds the cell and allows some things to go through it.
Cell Membrane It is called a semi-permeable membrane because it only lets certain things through
Mitochondria Mitochondria are tiny sausage-shaped structures found in the cytoplasm of the cell, and are responsible for energy production
Mitochondria Cell Respiration happens in the mitochondria. Cell Respiration is the process that breaks down food into usable energy.
Chloroplasts Chloroplasts are found only in plant cells and a few bacteria. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Found only in plant cells.
Chloroplasts Photosynthesis is the process that turns sunlight energy into sugar (food) for the plant.
Cell Wall Stiff, rigid, nonliving. Provides protection and support so that the plant can grow tall. Found only in plant cells.