French Labour Market Area Stéphanie Mas Direction of Animation of Research, Statistic and Study French Ministry of Labour
History 1983: creation of French LMA for metropolitain territory 1993: some modifications 2007: creation of LMA for undersea territories 2010: large modifications -> new LMA
Main points Aggregation based on regular travel flows from place of residence to place of work Agregation of several neighbouring building blocks Whole cover of France Data: Population Census
Additional items Travel flows even if work is abroad No confinement in administrative structures in the method Absolutely for NUTS 3 With conditions for NUTS2 (large flows and enough size of population in two parts of the LMA separed by administrative boundary)
Method Agregation, step by step, of most import travel flows between towns (or previous agregated area) If more than x employed people, the area is a pole which can’t be agregated to another
Particular case Big cities like Paris -> secoundary areas Working abroad Enclosed areas Areas on several NUTS2 (« Regions »)
Secoundaries areas ex: Bordeaux Flows travel work/residence
Conception of areas with and without NUTS2 limit ex: Roissy (airport) Travel flows residence/work (without Paris) Limite of the LMA retained without NUTS2 limit (agregation of three LMA with NUTS2 limit)
Travel flows residence/work
French LMA: « zones d’emploi »
Utilisation of French LMA Production of statistical indicators: Unemployment rate Activity rate Employment rate Employed people Production Agregation of data on LMA: population, income by person…