European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network:


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Presentation transcript:

European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network: CYPRUS Dr. Michael Michaelides: Dr. G. Loucaides, Dr. C. Schizas, Dr. M. HadjiGeorgiou, Mr. K. Nicolaou TITLE: CYPRUS POLICE PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT AND NEW HIRING CRITERIA ESTABLISHMENT Within the HEPA program, Cyprus Sports Medicine & Research Centre, (KAEK) has conducted a research study, in an effort to asses the Physical Fitness condition and Health Related Factors of all the Police Officers serving in various departments of Cyprus Police. From the analysis of the results, new Somatometric and Physical Fitness criteria were established and approved by Cabinet and members of Parliament, for new police recruits selection and hiring. METHODS For the implementation of this study 525 police members were examined, aged 30 – 60 years old (428 men and 97 women) , serving in various Police departments , such as, Police Officers, Firemen, Emergency Response Unit, Special Anti-Terrorism Unit, etc The Tests used, were a combination of Laboratory & Field Tests. During the tests the following parameters were registered. Clinical Examination with Full Blood Count and Urine Analysis Somatometry & Body Composition, Digital Stadiometer, Medical Scale, Fat Bio impedance Analyser Skinfold Callipers, BMI Aerobic Capacity – Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing – Maximal Oxygen Consumption – and 12 min Max Run Cooper Test Anaerobic Capacity – Wingate Test – Max Lactic Acid Concentration and 30 m Run Max Speed - Flexibility – Sit and Reach Muscle Power of the Upper and Lower Extremities – Cybex Isokinetic Dynamometer, Quatro Force Plate, Hand Dynamometer RESULTS Concerning the Health Related parameters our findings showed for Men Police members that: 53.3% are Overweight, 18.2% are Obese and 1.1% are Clinically Obese 39.1% are Completely Inactive, 44.7% are partially active, Total 83.8% are Inactive according to WHO P.A recommendations) According to Framingham Cardiac Risk Scale: 38.4% are at Low Risk , 24% are at Moderate Risk and 7.7% are at High Risk 60% of the Policemen of the Emergency Response Unit are smokers Concerning the Physical Fitness Related parameters our findings showed for Men Police members that Cardiopulmonary Performance Capacity was found to be, Moderate for Police Officers, Good for Firemen, Very Good for the Emergency Response Unit and Excellent for the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit. Anaerobic Capacity Speed Test caused Hamstrings muscle injuries at the 7% of Police Officers. Lower and Upper Extremities muscle power as well as Flexibility showed to be job related again with the police officers to have the worst results, compared with Firemen, Emergency Response Unit and Special Anti-Terrorism Unit. CONCLUSIONS The results showed that Physical Fitness in Cyprus Police is directly related with the nature of the job. From the one side the majority of the Police Officers follow a typical sedentary lifestyle, suffering all the negative consequences of inactivity, such as, obesity, low fitness level and degenerative health problems, (similar with the rest of the population) and from the other side the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit to be in a very good fitness level, shape and health, due to the fact that they are obliged to follow a physical exercise training program, almost daily, during their working hours, and under the supervision of specialized Fitness Trainer. As a result of this study the Cyprus Police decided to amend the recruitment criteria for the fitness level (making them much more difficult), introduced a new criterion with the body mass index (not higher than 30) , under development award plan and promotion for those who maintain an ideal level of fitness based on their age, on an annual basis, posing as a basic principle that Law Enforcement Officers should have a level of Fitness that ensures that they are capable to perform their duties effectively at any place, any time and under any circumstances. . REFERENCES Anderson, G. S./Plecas, D./Segger, T. (2001). Po­lice officer physical ability testing Re-validating a selection criterion Bonneau, J./Brown, J. (1995). Physical ability, fitness and police work, Journal of Forensic Medicine (2), 157–164 Ebling, Patti (October 2002). Physical Fitness in Law Enforcement Journal for Police Science and Practice (Vol. 1), 52 – 61 Strandberg, Keith W (2004) Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement Zorec, B. (2009). Anthropometric characteristics in police officers, INNDD .