Parallel computation with R on TACC HPC server Dr. Yishi Wang
Some of the slides are adopted from https://wrathematics. github Others are collected from
Login to your TACC account
Log into TACC start xshell from windows; Start Terminal in Mac;
Load R .type "module load Rstats", then "R” You then can do a lot of things with R Type “library(parallel)” Type ”detectCores()”
Useful commands lscpu to see the info about cpu ls to list all files Familiar with UNIX commands, vi? ’showq -u tg831870’, to see any job working? logout to logout
File Sharing To share files, use Xftp5(Windows), Use Cyberduck for mac
dos2unix sbatch -A TG-TRA150002 sbatch -A TG-DMS170019