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Presentation transcript:

GREAT DEPRESSION AND NEW DEAL TEST April 3, 2017 U.S. History Agenda: NOTES #49: How did FDR and the New Deal create controversy? NOTES #50: What were the effects of the New Deal? NOTES-CHECK #s 46 – 50 TODAY GREAT DEPRESSION AND NEW DEAL TEST TOMORROW

New Deal create controversy? Notes #49 How did FDR and the New Deal create controversy? Notes #49

Senator Huey Long of Louisiana Many critics of FDR’s felt that the New Deal did too little to help the poor and discriminated against African Americans and women. Senator Huey Long of Louisiana

Conservatives criticized the New Deal because they felt it made Americans dependent on the U.S. government. Father Charles Coughlin

Al Smith; co-founder of the American Liberty League These critics believed that the New Deal went too far in limiting economic freedoms and endangered capitalism. Social Security Act (1935) Al Smith; co-founder of the American Liberty League

During the 1930s, the Supreme Court ruled that a number of New Deal programs were unconstitutional. National Recovery Act (NRA); ruled unconstitutional in 1935 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA); ruled unconstitutional in 1937

Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 In response, FDR proposed increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 15. Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937

This would allow FDR to appoint justices that favored the New Deal and would rule in its favor.

However, Congress rejected FDR’s court-packing plan because it threatened to upset the system of checks and balances.

FDR further created controversy for himself when he ran for and won the presidency for a third and fourth term (in 1940 and 1944).