Distance Learning Facilitator Skills Section 1
Overview Distance Learning Facilitator Skills Establishing presence Motivating participants in the online environment Engage participants in a learning community Promoting interactivity Incorporating collaborative work in design and delivery of online training VOCAL Section 1 Overview Distance Learning Facilitator Skills
Establishing Presence What is presence? Why is presence important? In the face-to-face classroom the physical presence of the facilitator or instructor is seen. Participants can interact with the facilitator easily. In the online world perceiving the presence of the facilitator is not as easy. Facilitators must create a presence through his or her interactions and visibility in the online classroom To establish presence in the online environment the facilitator should follow these simple tips. Create a profile or bio to let the class know who you are. Participate in discussion forums. Ask probing questions to keep the discussion going Answer questions within 24 hours Give constructive feedback on assignments in a timely fashion Stay engaged Demonstrates who you are in the online world Makes connections with others Establishes your visibility Creates the perception that the facilitator is paying attention Engenders trust that you are invested in the participants learning success
Motivating Participants in the Online Environment Why is motivating the participant so important? Motivation strategies Engage learners at a personal level Give constructive feedback Create interactive content Create a learning community that fosters interactivity Use multimedia content such as videos or podcasts Engage in online discussion forums Motivation directs behavior Motivation leads to increased effort Motivation affects cognitive processes Motivation often enhances performance (Ormrod, 2014).
Engage Participants in a Learning Community How do develop a learning community. What is a learning community? A group of learners who share a common sense of responsibility towards task within the learning environment. A group of learners who share idea, receive critical and constructive feedback, discuss training content, and collaborate Utilized discussion forums Establish the need for participants to interact and share resources Encourage and empower participants to take charge of the learning process. Use social media as a tool for communication
Promoting Interactivity Interactivity does not “Just Happen” What factors Influence Interactivity? “The excellent online instructor promotes interactivity between students through development of good discussion questions that engage them and encourage them to seek out response material on their own” (Palloff & Pratt, 2011). A good online facilitator must be able to entice students to participate, be present and visible in the class through interaction. The facilitators ability to manage the discussions and keep them on track. The facilitators ability to provide structure for discussions, such as posting questions regarding a reading assignment. The facilitator requires participants to participate in discussion forums, and challenges them to respond to questions as well as ask questions of fellow participants.
Incorporating Collaborative work in Design and Delivery of Online Training Benefits of Collaborative Learning Strategies for Collaboration Builds Self-Esteem in participants. Enhances participant satisfaction in the learning experience. Promotes a positive attitude toward the subject matter. Enables weaker participants to learn from stronger participants. (University of Oregon, 2014) Create learning teams. Design group activities that are complex and challenging. Make group assignment criteria explicit. Be creative and challenge the group to be creative as well. Give participants options for how the assignment can be completed.
VOCAL What is VOCAL? It is vital for effective facilitators to be VOCAL. These are the skills that lay the foundation for success in the online environment To be effective facilitators in the online distance learning environment must develop the skills discussed in this module. As we move forward you may find that you are strong in some skills and weak in others. In the following sections you will learn how these skills can be developed and strengthened. Visible: The facilitator can establish presence and is present frequently in the online environment Organized: The facilitator is organized and a good time manager. Compassionate: The facilitator is open, concerned, flexible, fair, and honest. Expresses sincere, positive regard for participants and delivers participant-focused, participant- centered instruction. Analytical: The facilitator has the ability to ability to visualize, gather information, articulate information and analyze information in order to solve complex problems, and make decisions. Leader by Example: The facilitator is disciplined and models desired behavior in the online environment. (According to Palloff & Pratt, 2011)