Growing Success for English Learners: Vision


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Presentation transcript:

Growing Success for English Learners: Vision “To build capacity at the local charter or school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research- based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners.” Thank you for being part of this journey and for helping to make this vision a reality! This is the vision for how we will grow success for all English Learners or Els in North Carolina, as presented at the inaugural NCDPI “Growing Success for ELs” Conference Summer 2014.

EL Requirements Home Language Survey Identification of Limited English Proficient Students Every identification of an English Learners begins with the administration of the Home Language Survey upon enrollment. If a language other than English is indicated, then the student is screened with the W-APT exam, unless they are enrolling from another WIDA state.

Basic LIEP Services Basic Language Instruction Educational Programs are required of every LEA/Charter Lau Vs. Nichols Equal Education Opportunity Act LEP students must be provided with required LIEP services( push out / pull in/ dual language), whether an LEA/Charter receives Title III funding or not Title III funding can be used to supplement the basic LIEP services If an LEA/ Charter is using Title III funds in DLI for any kind of program, when an ESL Consultant approves the Title IIII application, they will work with the LEA/ Charter to determine whether it’s basic or supplemental depending on how the funding is being utilized.- whether it’s basic vs. supplemental. For example, if it’s professional development to the enhance core curriculum, then it’s supplemental. It depends on how the LEA/ Charter defines basic first to then determine how Title III funds can be used to supplement, as learned from attending the National Conference of Title III Directors. The ESL Consultants will work with you through the process of utilizing Title III funds in a supplemental manner to the basic. How it will be utilized at the school level, will depend on each LEAs/ Charter’s LIEP and the ESL consultants work with those LEA/ Charter LEP Coordinators on the Title III Application.

Annual Title III application Process Title III Funding October 1 Headcount Annual Title III application Process Every October, the LEP headcount occurs, which reports the number of LEP students (along with some other information). This data is used to determine eligibility for Title III funding. If an LEA/ Charter receives Title III funding, they must submit a Title III application for approval on appropriate spending of funds for English Learners in supplementing their basic core program. An LEA/ Charter must define their basic services, which leads to what is supplemental to their basic services. An LEA/ Charter must generate at least 10,000 in order to qualify for federal Title III funding or join a consortium.

Supplement NOT Supplant Guiding Questions 1. What is the instructional program/service provided to all students? 2. What does the LEA do to meet Lau v. Nichols requirements? 3. What services is the LEA required by other Federal, State, and local laws or regulations to provide? 4. Was the program/service previously provided with State, local, and Federal funds? Source: U.S. Department of Education webinar conducted on December 11, 2008.

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