Muscle Names
Guidelines for naming muscles Direction of muscle fibers 1. Rectus – along/parallel to a line a. Ex. rectus femoris – along femur 2. Oblique – run at a slant to a line a. Ex. abdominal obliques
Relative Size 1. Maximus – largest 2. Medius - middle 3. Minimus – smallest Gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus
Location of the muscle 1. Associated bone names a. Ex. temporalis
Number of Origins 1. Ex. Biceps brachii, triceps brachii
Location of origins and insertions 1. Ex. Sternocleidomastoid – attaches at sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process of temporal bone
Shape of the muscle 1. Ex. Deltoid – delta (triangle shape)
Action of the muscle 1. Flexor, extensor, adductor