Name: Brachialis #73, #8* Function: Flex forearm.
Name: Brachioradialis #82, #13* Function: Flex the forearm.
Name: Triceps Brachii #70, #10*,11*,12* Function: Extend forearm.
Name: Pronator Teres #74, #16* Function: Pronate the forearm.
Muscles That Move The Hand & Wrist Name: Flexor Carpi Radialis #75, #17* Function: Flex wrist.
Name: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris #77, #19* Function: Flex wrist.
Name: Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus #81, #14* Function: Extend the wrist.
Name: Extensor Carpi Ulnaris #78, #26* Function: Extend wrist.
Name: Extensor Digitorum #79, #24* Function: Extend Fingers.
Muscles That Move The Thigh Name: Gluteus Maximus #101, #1* Function: Extend the thigh.
Name: Gluteus Medius #102, #1a* Function: Abduct the thigh.
Name: Tensor Fasciae Latae #108, #7* Function: Flex the thigh.
Name: Adductor Longus #115, #14* Function: Adducts the thigh.
Name: Piriformis #103,#2* Function: Rotates the thigh laterally.
Muscles That Move The Lower Leg Quadriceps Femoris Name: Rectus Femoris #110, #12* Function: Extend the knee.
Quadriceps Femoris Name: Vastus Lateralis #112, #11* Function: Extend the knee.
Quadriceps Femoris Name: Vastus Medialis #113, #10* Function: Extend the knee.
Quadriceps Femoris Name: Vastus Intermedius #111, #12a* Function: Extend the knee.
Hamstrings Name: Biceps Femoris #120, #18* Function: Flex the knee.
Hamstrings Name: Semitendinosus #118, #16* Function: Flex the knee.
Hamstrings Name: Semimembranosus #119, #17* Function: Flex the knee.
Name: Gracilis #116, #13* Function: Flex the knee.
Name: Sartorius #109, #8* Function: Able to sit cross-legged. (tailor sitting)
Muscles That Move The Feet & Toes Name: Gastrocnemius #126, #24*,25* Function: Plantar flex foot.
Name: Soleus #127, #27* Function: Plantar flex foot.
Name: Peroneus Longus #124, #22* Function: Evert the foot.
Name: Tibialis Posterior #129, #31 Function: Inverts the foot.
Name: Tibialis Anterior #121, #20 Function: Toe extension.
Name: Flexor Digitorum Longus #130, #29* Function: Flex toes.
Name: Extensor Digitorum Longus #122, #21* Function: Extend toes.