Stage 45 LMS.


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Presentation transcript:

Stage 45 LMS

aestas, aestatis, f. summer

candidus, candida, candidum bright, shining

culpa, culpae, f. blame

fleo, flere, flevi weep

now…now, sometimes…sometimes modo…modo now…now, sometimes…sometimes

mulier, mulieris, f. woman

orbis, orbis, m. circle, globe

orbis terrarium world

otium, otii, n. leisure

quisquam, quicquam anyone, anything

rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptus break, split

species, specie, f. appearance

tego, tegere, texi, tectus cover

tenuis, tenuis, tenue thin

aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus look towards, catch sight of

coniungo, coniungere, coniunxi, coniunctus join

coniuro, coniurare, coniuravi plot

cresco, crescere, crevi grow

cupido, cupidinis, f. desire

felix, gen. felicis lucky, happy

licet, licere be allowed

mihi licet I am allowed

paulatim gradually

studio, studere, studui study

tellus, telluris, f. land, earth

una cum together with

uterque, utraque, utrumque both, each of two

vinculum, vinculi, n. chain

aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum attack, make an attempt on

bona, bonorum, n. pl. goods, property

contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptus despise, disregard

effero, efferre, extuli, elatus carry out, carry away

fidus, fida, fidum loyal, trustworthy

shortage, scarcity, poverty inopia, inopiae, f. shortage, scarcity, poverty

iuxta (+ACC) next to

magistratus, magistratus, m. elected government official

nego, negare, negavi, negates deny, say…not

possideo, possidere, possedi, possessus

propter (+ACC) because of

repente suddenly

ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum avenge, take revenge on

adloquor, adloqui, adlocutus sum speak to, address

blind; invisible, unseen caecus, caeca, caecum blind; invisible, unseen

genu, genus, n. knee

longe far, a long way

lugeo, lugere, luxi lament, mourn

memini, meminisse remember

mollis, molle soft

neque and not, nor

quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque whoever, whatever

reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus find

sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultus bury

sidus, sideris, n. star

diversus, diversa, diversum different

factum, facti, n. deed, achievement

gloria, gloriae, f. glory

incendium, incendii, n. fire

ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus play

mereo, merere, merui deserve

nondum not yet

opus est (+ABL) there is need of

foot soldiers, infantry pedites, peditum, m. pl. foot soldiers, infantry

perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus waste, lose

si quis if anyone

si quid if anything

vilis, vile cheap

vitium, vitii, n. sin, fault, vice

Affirmo, affirmare, affirmavi Declare

Amicitia, amicitiae, f. – friendship

Augeo, augere, auxi, auctus increase

Consul, consulis, m. – consul

Crimen, criminis, n. – charge

Curia, curiae, f. – senate house

Demum – at last

Tum demum – then at last, only then

Existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus – think, consider

Inanis, inane – empty, meaningless

jealousy, envy, unpopularity Invidia, invidiae, f. jealousy, envy, unpopularity

Levis, leve light, slight, trivial

Minor, minari, minatus sum threaten

Muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus change

Obicio, obicere, obieci, obiectus present, put in the way of, expose to

Probo, probare, probavi, probatus prove

Prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditus – betray

Similis, simile similar

Socius, scoii, m. – companion, partner

Suadeo, suadere, suasi advise, suggest

Utor, uti, usus sum use

Videor, videri, visus sum seem

Arbor, Arboris, f. tree

Aut or

Cado, cadere, cecidi fall

Campus, campi, m. plain

Capilli, capillorum, m. pl. hair

Discrimen, discriminis, n. dividing line, crisis

Ergo therefore

Fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsus deceive, escape notice of, slip by

Fragor, fragoris, m. crash

Genus, generis, n. race

Hinc from here; then, next

Iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutus help, assist

letter (of the alphabet) Littera, litterae, f. letter (of the alphabet)

Litterae, litterarum f. pl. – letter, letters (correspondence), literature.

Mensis, mensis m. month

Simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatus pretend

Spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsus scatter

pen (pointed stick for writing on wax tablets) Stilus, stili, m. pen (pointed stick for writing on wax tablets)

Studium, studii, n. enthusiasm; study

Ullus, a, um any

Certus, certa, certum Certain, infallible

Pro certe habere Know for certain

Clam Secretly, in private

Copiae, copiarum Forces

Dextra, dextrae, f. Right hand

Eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus Rescue, snatch away

Familia, familiae, f. Household

Gratus, grata, gratum Acceptable, pleasing

Ignoro, ignorare, ignoravi Not know about

Iungo, ungere, iunxi, iunctus Join

Lex, legis, f. Law

Limen, liminish, n. Threshold, doorway

Nubo, nubere, nupsi (+dat) Marry

Orior, oriri, ortus sum Rise, arise

Polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum Promise

Prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitus Prevent

Queror, queri, questus sum Lament, complain about

Rego, regere, rexi, rectus Rule

Vereor, vereri, veritus sum Be afraid, fear

Vero Indeed

Virgo, virginis, f. Virgin, umarried woman.

Complures, complura Several

Dignus, digna, dignum Worthy, appropriate

Disco, discere, didici Learn

Divus, divi, m. God

Dubito, dubitare, dubitavi Hesitate, doubt

Exercitus, exercitus, m. Army

Fio, fieri, factus sum Become, be made

Obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum Forget

Odium, odii, n. Hatred

Patria, patriae, f. Country, homeland

Paulo A little

Perturbo, purturbare, perturbavi, perturbatus Alarm, disturb

Proelium, proelii, n. Battle

Puto, putare, putavi, think

Revoco, revocare, revocavi, revocatus Recall, call back

Sercurus, sercura, securum Without a care

Tempestas, tempestatis, f. Storm

Trans (+acc) Across

Validus, valida, validum strong

Animadverto, animadvertere, animaverti, animadversus Notice, take notice of

Arma, armorum, Arms, weapons

Causa,causae, f. Reason, cause

Discipulus, discipuli, m. Pupil, student

Dono, donare, donavi, donates Give

Extremus, extrema, extremum Farthest

Finis, finis, m. End

Ignis, ignis, m. Fire

Miror, miari, miratus sum Admire, wonder at

That…not, in order that…not Ne That…not, in order that…not

Niger, nigra, nigrum Black

Praesertim Especially

Praeter (+acc) Except

Recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatus Recite, read out

Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus Touch

Vetus, (gen) veteris Old

Ager, agri, m. Field

An Or

Utrum…an Whether…or

Carmen, carminis, n. Song

Caveo, cavere, cavi Beware

Culpo, culpare, culpavi Blame

Inde Then

Magis More

Male Badly, unfortunately

Moror, morari, moratus sum Delay

Multo By much

Nusquam Nowhere

Quando? When?

Quidem Indeed

Quotiens Whenever

Rus, ruris, n. Country, countryside

Simul At the same time