PRIORITY PREKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM QUALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT March 26, 2014 NYS Education Department Office of Early Learning 1
Review the Program Quality Self-Assessment tool and expectations. GOALS Update and expand information about the approved program quality standards. Review the Program Quality Self-Assessment tool and expectations. Review action plan components and expectations. Provide strong examples of goals and objectives. Establish timeframe for the submission of action plans. 2
Purpose Enhance program quality by requiring grantees to adopt program quality standards valid and reliable measures of environmental quality the quality of teacher-student interactions student outcomes 3
PROGRAM QUALITY STANDARDS Classroom Environment – 3 standards Teaching Staff Qualifications – 6 standards Curriculum Planning & Implementation – 5 standards Child Screening and Assessment – 5 standards Professional Development – 6 standards Family Engagement – 4 standards Transitions to Kindergarten – 8 standards 4
CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (CE) CE-1: Daily schedule – how the day is organized Balance of active and quiet intentionally planned play Indoor and outdoor gross motor activities Individual and small group activities At least 1/3 of day designated for center/choice time 5
CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (CE) CE-2: Learning Centers – how the room is arranged Dramatic play Blocks and construction Library Language arts Technology/media Science/nature Mathematics and manipulative materials Writing Creative arts Sand and water play Music 6
CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (CE) CE-3: District uses valid and reliable measures of environmental quality to: Evaluate program’s strengths and weaknesses Identify program improvements that will increase quality 7
TEACHING STAFF QUALIFICATIONS (TSQ) TSQ-1, TSQ-2 & TSQ-3: NYS certification for early childhood grades (Birth-Grade 2; N, K-Grade 6) OR NYS certification for students with disabilities in the early childhood grades Uncertified CBO teachers must have a plan for obtaining NYS certification within 5 years 8
TEACHING STAFF QUALIFICATIONS (TSQ) TSQ-4: District has written procedures to ensure all Pre-K teachers are certified or have a viable plan for becoming certified within 5 years of beginning employment as a Pre-K teacher What When How often Who 9
TEACHING STAFF QUALIFICATIONS (TSQ) TSQ-5: Until all Pre-K teachers at CBO site are certified, the CBO must have an education director with NYS certification on-site during the hours of Pre-K operation Director certification can be in either Early Childhood or Childhood Education How district ensures compliance 10
TEACHING STAFF QUALIFICATIONS (TSQ) TSQ-6: District uses valid and reliable measures of teacher-student interactions to: Increase the understanding of the impact of various interactions that occur within classrooms Identify and support the use of classroom practices that have the most positive effects on children’s learning 11
CURRICULUM PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CPI) CPI-1: District uses a curriculum or curriculum framework that is: Research-based – based on research regarding the relationship between the curriculum and children’s learning Developmentally appropriate – addresses the key domains of children’s development 12
CURRICULUM PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CPI) CPI-2: District uses a curriculum or curriculum framework that: Aligns with the NYS Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core Ensures continuity with the Kindergarten – Grade 3 curriculum 13
CURRICULUM PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CPI) CPI-3: All teaching staff receives annual training to implement the curriculum. Supervision support is provided to staff to assist with curriculum implementation. 14
CURRICULUM PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CPI) CPI-4: Supporting the inclusion of preschool children with disabilities Appropriate modifications to curriculum and/or instructional strategies Additional supports to enable more effective inclusion Ensures access to the full range of the program’s activities 15
CURRICULUM PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CPI) CPI-5: Supporting the participation of children who are English language learners (ELLs) Appropriate modifications to curriculum and/or instructional strategies Additional supports to ensure ELLs have equal access to the program activities and opportunities to achieve the same program goals and standards as other participating children 16
CHILD SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT (CSA) CSA-1: District has in place a child screening and assessment process that includes: Screening in accordance with Part 117 Establishes a developmental baseline for language, cognitive and social skills Provides for outcome assessment of language, cognitive and social skills Procedures for collecting and protecting assessment results Provisions for sharing results with families 17
CHILD SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT (CSA) CSA-2: The district uses a developmental screening tool that is valid and reliable. CSA-3: The district documents the developmental progress of each child at least quarterly using a child development assessment tool that is valid and reliable. 18
CHILD SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT (CSA) CSA-4: The district can document that assessment results are used to inform instruction. Individualization Differentiation 19
CHILD SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT (CSA) CSA-5: The district can document that aggregated results are used to inform program practice. Professional development for teaching staff Content of parent workshops Shared planning time 20
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-1: Both CBO and district staffs are involved in identifying needs and planning professional development focused on improving teacher performance. 21
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-2: Professional development is connected to the goals and needs of the prekindergarten and kindergarten programs. 22
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-3: Professional development includes: Approaches grounded in research Application of practice in real situations Emphasis on a strength-based approach 23
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-4: Professional development provides information on how to integrate all the developmental domains of early learning as set forth in the New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core. Approaches to Learning Physical Development and Health Social and Emotional Development Communication, Language and Literacy Cognition and Knowledge of the World 24
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-5: Trainers have: Qualifications Experience Knowledge Able to provide informative, practical, research-based training in content areas 25
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) PD-6: Evaluation of training – Occurs over time Addresses benefits and applications to practice Not only based on satisfaction of participants 26
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT (FE) FE-1: Written policies and procedures to ensure the active engagement of parents and/or guardians in the education of their children Meeting one-on-one Parent workshops and training Volunteer opportunities Opportunities to participate in program- and school-level decisions 27
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT (FE) FE-2: Families complete a program evaluation or survey annually. Results are used for program improvement. 28
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT (FE) FE-3: The district provides directly, or through referral, support services necessary to support the child’s participation in the Pre-K program. Provided in collaboration with other community agencies whenever possible to avoid duplication of efforts and resources. FE-4: To maximum extent practicable, support services are provided in language that parents/guardians and children best understand. 29
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-1: The district has established a contact at each of the early childhood programs located within the district boundaries. Day care centers Head Start programs Family and group family day care homes Non-public schools with Pre-K & Kindergarten programs Nursery Schools Approved 4410 preschool providers 30
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-2: Kindergarten registration process includes questions about a child’s preschool experiences (parent feedback). 31
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-3: District schools are accessible to families before a child’s enrollment in kindergarten. Play groups Story hours Cultural activities Open houses T-4: Parents have the opportunity to meet school staff before the first day of kindergarten. 32
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-5: Parents are provided the opportunity to express their needs and concerns about their children’s attendance in kindergarten. 33
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-6: The district makes outreach to families of those children not enrolled in a prekindergarten program. 34
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-7: The district hosts meetings to discuss effective transitions from Pre-K to Kindergarten. Teachers from district-operated Pre-K classrooms Teachers and directors from CBO-operated Pre-K sites Elementary principals Kindergarten teachers Could include others such as CPSE/CSE chair(s), ESL teachers, parent representatives 35
TRANSITIONS TO KINDERGARTEN (T) T-8: District personnel visit Pre-K sites within first quarter of school year and meet with staff to share and learn about the curricula content of both Pre-K and Kindergarten. Principals Reading specialists Special education representatives Kindergarten teachers 36
PROGRAM QUALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT Purposes: To assess status of Pre-K program by looking at standards in 7 areas of program quality To identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement To establish priorities for program implementation and improvement 37
PROGRAM QUALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT Using the tool – Read each standard carefully. Rate the status of implementation for Pre-K services offered by the district and/or its collaborating CBOs. Place a checkmark in the box (1-5) that best describes the overall program in your district. In the evidence column, list the documentation the district has to support its rating. 39
PROGRAM QUALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT All districts with Priority Pre-K programs are required to complete the Program Quality Self-Assessment. Districts are not expected to score a 5 - “Totally Implemented” for all standards at this time. To get the best results for children, it is critical that districts are brutally honest in evaluating their status . 40
PROGRAM QUALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT Team approach recommended Team members will vary by district Possible participants include: District and CBO administrators Pre-K teachers – district and CBO Kindergarten teachers Family/parent workers; social workers Parents 41
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Priority Pre-K districts must develop a 2-year Action Plan based on the results of its Self-Assessment. The Action Plan must provide strategies and activities that will put the district in “Totally Implemented” status with all program quality standards by the end of the 2015-2016 school year. 42
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Actions plans must be submitted to SED no later than May 16, 2014 for review and approval. Districts with an approved Action Plan will be considered to have attained the performance targets for the 2013-2014 school year, meaning the district will be eligible for continued funding in 2014-2015.* * Subject to budget appropriation 43
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY For 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, achievement of the goals and objectives set forth in the approved Action Plan will constitute attainment of the performance targets and will qualify a district for continued funding in the subsequent year. * *Subject to budget appropriation 44
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Area: Standard Number Goals and Objectives Action Steps Responsible Person(s) Timeframe for Completion 46
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Goal – What program change must occur? Objective – What must be accomplished to reach the identified goal? Action Step – What specific activities must occur to accomplish the objective? Responsible Person(s) – Who is responsible for ensuring that the required actions are completed in a timely manner? Timeframe for Completion – What is the date by which each step will be achieved? 47
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Use SMART planning Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timetabled 48
ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PROGRAM QUALITY Area: Classroom Environment Standard Number Goals and Objectives Action Steps Responsible Person(s) Timeframe for Completion CE-3 We will evaluate 100% Priority Pre-K classroom environments by using the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS) and implement necessary improvements based on the score. *Purchase ECERS *Train staff on use *Administer the ECERS *Analysis results *Identify needs *Develop improvement Plan * Pre-K Coordinator; CBO Director; Pre-K Teachers April 2015 49
July __, 2014 – Priority Pre-K application due* IMPORTANT DATES May 1, 2014 – FS-10A due May 16, 2014 – Action Plan due July __, 2014 – Priority Pre-K application due* July 31, 2014 – FS-10F due (to Grants Finance) July 31, 2014 – Final Program Report due *Subject to budget appropriation 50
Office of Early Learning QUESTIONS???? Office of Early Learning (518) 474-5807 51