Wellingtone PMO Practitioner The PMO Value Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton Project Challenge March 2018 An excerpt from the Wellingtone PMO Practitioner Course January 2018 Accredited Version
I am… Director of Consulting Services Wellingtone PMO Manager Project Managers Without Borders Mentor Project Managers Against Poverty PMO Value Ring Certified Consultant UK Partner PMO Event Organiser FuturePMO PjMnt Day of Service Passionate Writer Avid Learner @PMONinjas
Wellingtone PMO Practitioner PMO Principle 1 Instrument of Integration What Makes a PMO? PMO Principle 2 Single Source of Truth Principles are truths based on natural laws; like gravity. They are based on accepted contextual law. PMO Principle 3 Serving the Customer PMO Principle 4 Enabling Capability PMO Principle 5 Supporting Learning Organisation January 2018 Accredited Version
The PMO Value Life Cycle Wellingtone PMO Practitioner The PMO Value Life Cycle Capture value How is value perceived by our Customers? Deliver value Which services should we deploy to add value? Measure value How can we know if we are delivering value? Communicate value Page 5 January 2018 Accredited Version
Perception of Value CAPTURE CONVERT DECODE DELIVER MEASURE Different Customers have different perceptions & challenges Identify opportunities from the challenges provided Turn the opportunity into one or more value statements Through services, practices, people, tools, knowledge & innovation Using KPIs across Value to Business, Productivity, Delivery & PMO Role Sound familiar? Team Member “My priorities are changing all the time. I don’t know what to do next” Project Manager “I don’t have time for this. I have a project to run” Resource Manager “I don’t know if we will have enough people available for the next 3 months” Sponsor “You’re asking me to approve projects with no clear business case or priority” Functional Manager “I don’t have visibility over what my team is doing in the next month” CxO Level “It’s not easy to understand where our annual budget is being invested on”
Perception of Value CAPTURE CONVERT DECODE DELIVER MEASURE Different Customers have different perceptions & challenges Identify opportunities from the challenges provided Turn the opportunity into one or more value statements Through services, practices, people, tools, knowledge & innovation Using KPIs across Value to Business, Productivity, Delivery & PMO Current Challenge PMO Opportunity Priority Inability for management to have a consolidated view of project statuses across the organisation software Provide consolidated central project reporting; establish project reporting standards; implement project management HIGH Lack of consistent methodology for authorizing projects Define standards for project initiation; assist with organizing and prioritizing potential projects across business units MEDIUM Inability to effectively manage human resource utilization for project efforts Track and resource utilization by resource at an organisational level LOW
Perception of Value CAPTURE CONVERT DECODE DELIVER MEASURE Different Customers have different perceptions & challenges Identify opportunities from the challenges provided Turn the opportunity into one or more value statements Through services, practices, people, tools, knowledge & innovation Using KPIs across Value to Business, Productivity, Delivery & PMO Opportunity Current Challenges PMO Objectives Time Frame Provide consolidated central project status reporting and associated reporting standards Lack of consistent reporting with standardised measures leads to potentially troubled projects gaining management attention too late to allow for effective responses Lack of historical data makes project estimating difficult (estimated 30% of projects exceed project budget by 10% or more due to estimating error Implement earned value management reporting for all projects over 1 million GBP Develop and implement standardised templates for monthly project reporting Establish reports repository for historical reporting and tracking Short term Medium term
Perception of Value CAPTURE CONVERT DECODE DELIVER MEASURE Different Customers have different perceptions & challenges Identify opportunities from the challenges provided Turn the opportunity into one or more value statements Through services, practices, people, tools, knowledge & innovation Using KPIs across Value to Business, Productivity, Delivery & PMO Vehicle Processes Competence Framework Areas Services The right value adding services Delivery, Capability, Strategy Practices Methodology, Procedures, Guidance Delivery, Capability People Coaching, Training, Capability Development Capability, Strategy Tools PPM Tools, Dashboards, Templates Delivery, Strategy Knowledge Lessons learned, Knowledge Sharing Events Capability Innovation Bespoke solutions
Perception of Value Painkillers Antibiotics CAPTURE CONVERT DECODE DELIVER MEASURE Different Customers have different perceptions & challenges Identify opportunities from the challenges provided Turn the opportunity into one or more value statements Through services, practices, people, tools, knowledge & innovation Using KPIs across Value to Business, Productivity, Delivery & PMO Painkillers Antibiotics Helping with the pain until the situation resolves itself Long term solution with a lead time for benefits to be seen
Wellingtone PMO Practitioner The Right Metrics You can’t manage what you can’t measure Less is more Tell a story Work with your stakeholders Set baselines and targets The only useful KPI is an actionable one Measuring PMO value is difficult but necessary PMO Maturity Modeling provides focus Page 11 January 2018 Accredited Version
Wellingtone PMO Practitioner Drivers Examples of KPIs Value to Business Planned ROI vs actual ROI Planned benefits vs realised benefits % of projects with robust business cases % of projects aligned with strategic objectives % of projects stopped or cancelled % of projects to run / grow / transform £ at risk Productivity and Efficiency # of days from project conception to start % of resource utilization % of billable hours # of FTEs by project # of projects by project manager Project Delivery % of projects on time % of projects on budget # of high risks active by month # of issues escalated by month # of change requests by project PMO Performance Satisfaction scoring from key stakeholders % of projects following the PjMgt Method # of project health checks conducted # of workshops facilitated # of hours of training provided % of certified PjMgrs Choose what you measure wisely not because it’s easy or it makes you look good! January 2018 Accredited Version
Wellingtone PMO Practitioner Communicate Value Portfolio Dashboards provide a high level overview of the health of the whole portfolio Project Status reporting enables regular standard communication on an activity and it’s progress A statistical overview of the performance of both projects and PMO Portfolio Project PMO Page 13 January 2018 Accredited Version
So…what does a high performing PMO look like? Wellingtone PMO Practitioner So…what does a high performing PMO look like? They work with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations (what is value to them) They deliver services which enable organisations not only to do the things right but also to do the right things (how value is provided) They see maturity as a journey, and recognise that each project is different They measure progress and performance, including their own (how they know they are getting there) They communicate, communicate, communicate (how they demonstrate value) Page 14 January 2018 Accredited Version
October 4th London Only at This Year…