LNW Route Energy Efficiency Working Group Terms of Reference Objectives The aim of the group is to identify opportunities, spread best practice, lessons learned and drive a culture of continuous improvement in the management of Energy and Carbon reduction through education, engagement and awareness of all Network Rail staff. Frequency 4 weekly – alternates between North and South of LNW Dial in available but quarterly must be face to face Chair – Senior RAM Accountabilities Attendees Review current management of energy and implement continuous improvement Production of a management control process for utilities use and carbon emissions reductions Data cleansing and capture to improve Energy link and raise awareness in LNW Route Develop energy awareness programme for LNW staff – will need route communications support Review, enhance and promote available training materials for awareness Review best practice ideas Identify measures to drive improvements Establish business cases for change improvements Identify improvement efficiencies and drive their implementation Embed and drive carbon reduction ISO 50001 awareness plan Development of route opportunities register Discharge the requirements of the LNW Energy Policy Financial management and accurate forecasting Heads of Maintenance(Route) Area Services Managers (Route) Project Manager Lean (Route) DU Nominees – named individuals and deputies DRAM Representative Energy Manager (Route) Finance Managers (Route) Energy & Carbon Strategy Manager (STE) Utilities Specialist (Route) Energy Bureau Representative Works Delivery Representative Route Communications Representative Culture Environment of sharing best practise and ideas Open to constructive challenge Actions, decisions and key outputs to be captured and circulated to all members within 5 working days of the meeting. Inputs Outputs Agenda Agenda Actions Log National update LNW target and actual Work stream updates Route opportunities register Nominee feedback – “go look see” Best practice and ideas LNW Carbon and Energy Strategy Updated Action Log LNW opportunities register Summary of decisions and key information Periodic status update Agenda items for next time Energy Management Policy update RACI Update LNW Maturity Matrix Savings Register Review of action tracker Review of LNW opportunities register Review target and actual by period Review of survey action plans – “go look see” National steering group updates 1