The World Reacts to Hitler
1933-1939 Western leaders are happy with Hitler’s economic reforms A strong Europe needs a strong Germany No one wanted another war Most leaders, including Canada’s Mackenzie King favored giving Hitler what he wanted in order to avoid another war
Mackenzie King Diary from February 1938 “I believe Hitler was honest in what he said to me [in June 1937] and will control the situation for peace. He will, however, make known anew his purpose to have a real say in Europe … [Hitler is] indicating real leadership in an appalling European situation …”
Jewish Refugees Many German Jews tried to get out of Germany Many countries would not accept large numbers of refugees. Why? High unemployment, Anti-Semitism
S.S. St. Louis March 1939 The SS St. Louis left Hamburg with 907 Jewish refugees on board It sailed to Cuba, but the Cuban government wouldn’t let them on land. Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, The US, and Canada would not allow the refugees to enter their countries The Ship returned to Antwerp Many passengers would be killed by the Nazi’s
S.S. St. Louis What is your reaction to Canada’s refusal to admit the refugees on the SS St. Louis? In your notes, answer the following questions: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good [people] do nothing.” How does this quote apply to the SS St. Louis, and the situation of Jews in the 1930’s in general? In your opinion, does Canada have a duty to accept refugees who are fleeing from dangerous situations? Why?
The road to War 1936-39 Hitler was also planning to extend Germany’s borders He started rebuilding the army, air force, and navy This was against the Treaty of Versailles Since no one tried to stop him rebuilding the military, he decided to use it
The road to war 1936-39 He began to take over more and more territory in Europe Each time he did, the other nations failed to react Hitler learned that he could get what he wanted, without actually going to war He believed the Western nations would never try to stop him
March 1936 Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland. This area was supposed to be a demilitarized zone. September 1939 Hitler invades Poland claiming that Germans there are being attacked by Poles. March 1939 Hitler takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia October 1938 The leaders of Britain, France and Italy, but not Czechoslovakia meet with Hitler in Munich. They agree to let Hitler take over the Sudetenland. In exchange Hitler promises not to make any more territorial demands March 1938 Hitler sends The Wehrmacht into Austria and annexes it to Germany
The road to war 1936-39 The invasion of Poland in 1939 finally forced Britain, France, and Canada to act Britain and France demand Germany withdraw Germany doesn’t bother to reply September 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany September 10, 1939 Canada declares war on Germany
What differences do you see?
Canadian's Look Ahead Think about what life was like in Canada just prior to Canada declaring war with Germany. How do you think people felt about going to war? “I wasn’t patriotic. None of my buddies were. I just wanted some good clothes and hot showers and three decent meals a day and a few dollars for tobacco and beer in my pocket, and that’s about all I wanted …” Barry Broadfoot of Toronto
Textbook p 111 Read p. 111 of the textbook Answer the first two questions by the bullet points and question #1 at the bottom in your notes. When finished label the rest of the map Or work on your Radio Program