Berry Crop Update 2018 22 January 2018
Quick Season Recap Spotted Wing Drosophila First detection in 2017 was observed in traps within wild blueberry fields during the week of June 30th Infestations confirmed in raspberry and highbush blueberry by mid-Aug Day-neutral strawberry reported infestations Shift of population spike from late September to mid-Aug Trapped in areas and crops that they have never been seen before in Nova Scotia Black root rot & nematodes – strawberry Botrytis – resistance management Effects of 2016 drought Earliest confirmed trapping in NS
Perennia 2017-2018 Berry Initiatives Province-wide Twilight Meetings (annual event) Spray Field Day – strawberry and caneberry Chill Hour evaluation of northern nursery plants Aphid & Virus Program 2017-2021 Industry consultation & priority Setting 2018-2020 Revision of Pest Guides and development of production guides for strawberry, caneberries and highbush blueberries Developing new entrant basics with ThinkFarm Timing????
Chill Hour evaluation of northern nursery plants Determine the effect of chill hours (base 8°C at 4’) on plant vigor and yield of northern strawberry nursery plants 3 varieties (Jewel, Mira, Valley Sunset) 5 chill hour digging dates in 2015 Planted 2016 Harvest 16 June – 24 July, 2017
Analysis using two factors-Variety & Chill hours (3 varieties: Jewel, Valley Sunset, Mira and 5 chill hour treatments: 400, 600, 800, 1000, spring dug). Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at α = 0.05.
Virus Testing and Aphid Monitoring Program Obtained funding for additional monitoring (2017-2021) Large raspberry aphid scouting/ alerts Bramble virus identification – photo journal Strawberry aphid monitoring – 24 sites on 20 farms Strawberry virus testing for newly planted fields Strawberry virus testing of select fruiting fields 96 fields sampled 10 fields sampled
Leaf monitoring results They change from wingless form to winged form when the population density is high, Not moving far Not spreading disease
Yellow sticky trap monitoring results Note the difference in scale. Sheer volume of aphids can be risk of vector. Possibly not as efficient vectors Our monitoring showed low numbers but there were reports from other monitoring programs that numbers were higher. We are effectively protecting fields
Strawberry Virus Results Total SMYEV = 1531 tested and 44 positive = 2.9 SMoV = 185 tested and 8 positive = 4.3
Berry Industry Consultation & Prioritisation Workshop 2018-2020 New process this year – on-line survey and in-person consultation Survey still open!! Set Minor Use Priorities for 2018 Set industry and research priorities for 2018-2020
Berry Industry Consultation & Prioritisation Workshop 2018-2020 Recap Deb Moreau presentation on Spotted Wing Drosophila Erika Bent presentation on cranberry and cherry fruitworm Beatrice Amyotte, Small Fruit Germplasm Development Program presentation Top Priorities: Soil & Plant Nutrition Cultivar development New production systems (high tunnel; low tunnel, etc.) Product loss/re-evaluations – repercussions on management Information on resistance management
2018 Activities Based on Survey Feedback Highbush Blueberry pruning workshop spring 2018 Spotted wing drosophila management in highbush blueberry (e.g. mass trapping, edge spray) Botrytis in caneberries (potential spray efficacy trial) Beginning to explore long cane raspberry and blackberry production Canadian Trial Berry Network – variety evaluation (contingent on funding) Black root rot & nematode management demonstration
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