Israel's creation
Israel: Beginnings 2000 BCE Hebrews (Jews) establish first Kingdom of Israel 60 BCE Roman Empire conquer the entire region 135 CE Following a series of Jewish Revolts, Romans force Jewish people out of the area. Diaspora is the scattering of the Jewish people throughout the world.
Migration to the Palestine 1922 The League of Nations grants control of the area to Britain. 1881-1923 Over 100,000 Jews migrate to the area fleeing persecution in Europe Anti-Semitism- hatred towards Jewish people 1894 Beginnings of the Zionist Movement in Europe
Zionist movement Zion is another name for Holy Land Zionist Movement refers to the belief that Jews should establish a Nation of their own
Beginnings of Israel 1938-1945 World War 2. Hitler and Nazi Germany are responsible for the Holocaust. Over 6 million Jews are killed. 1938-1945 The Holocaust led to a mass migration to Palestine. (Jews wanted out of Europe!!!)
The Nazi Holocaust 6,000,000 Jews killed by the Nazis
Some ghettos started out as "open," which meant that Jews could leave the area during the daytime but had to be back within the ghetto by a curfew. Later, all ghettos became "closed," which meant that Jews were trapped within the walls of the ghetto and not allowed to leave.
The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers.
Birth of Israel United Nations recommends dividing Palestine into Arab and Jewish States. Jerusalem is considered a universal city. (This did not happen) May 14, 1948-Jewish Leaders declare the independent State of Israel May 15, 1948 – Arab countries attack Israel