This site was built to help Rotarians identify growth opportunities This site was built to help Rotarians identify growth opportunities. It integrates data from several sources.: Age, Ethnicity, Race, Income, Rotary Clubs, and members. The sources and timing of the data collection varies. For example, census data is collected every 10 years. Other data such as Rotary membership can be updated more frequently. While there may be timing differences, the data is directionally correct. It can be used for planning purposes. You can help Rotary improve the system by letting us know about issues with data or the operation of the website. Thank you. Contact: PDG Larry Sundram –
Sign-on Page Use your credentials to access the site. With some browsers, you may have to click “Login” more than once until your cookies are established.
Opening Page 1 3 2 4 When the site opens, you will see a display like this. It has five major sections: Tool Bar: You can Toggle the display, Print a map, or get HELP Map Shows geography: boundaries, census tracts, roads, towns, clubs, member locations, etc. Zone/District (Inputs): This section is where you select and refine what you wish to see. Tips and Hints: Provides some suggestions Market Summary, Opportunities and Zip Code information: Highlights potential areas for exploration and growth. 5 11/16/2018
1. Tool Bar 1 When the site opens, you will see a display like this. It has five major sections: Tool Bar: You can Toggle the display so that you can see the full screen Print Map: You can print the displayed map Club Legend: You can see what some of the icons mean HELP: On line help is provided. Toggle Full screen Display Show Club legend Print Map 11/16/2018
2. Map Display 2 Clubs This is a map of the District you select It can display various color shades depending on the Heat Map settings and the “Ethnicity/Race” selections. Moving the cursor shows different Census Tracts (in blue). Here the mouse it at the left edge. For each tract, the upper right hand corner shows census and Rotary data. The legend box at the lower right explains the color gradations. The colored icons are Rotary clubs. Different Icons represent different club categories – breakfast, lunch and evening You can zoom in and out using the “+” or “-” at the top left of the map.
3. Zone /District - Ethnicity Zone: Click the dropdown arrow to select Zone. Here Zone 27 is selected District: Click the dropdown arrow to select District. 5520 has been selected Filter: You can view the market by Ethnicity or Age. “Ethnicity” has been selected Shading: A smaller number (like 2) will let you see streets and towns. A higher number will make the section stand out Members: Button can be clicked On or Off to show where members are located. Ethnicity/Race: Make a selection. Here the “White” (race) has been selected. Census Zip Codes: Button can be clicked On or Off 3 11/16/2018
3. Zone /District - Ethnicity 3. Zone /District - Age “Age” has been selected as the Filter – Not “Ethnicity” The Heat Map is set at “4”. A “2” setting will allow you to see the names of streets and towns Members is set on “Off”. So you will not be able to see where members are located. Race/Ethnicity is set at “Age 50-59” 11/16/2018
3. Zone District – Zip Code This shows you how to use Zip Codes Enter a Zip code or select it from the drop down list. You can see the dashed outline of the zip code as well as the Blue Census Tract. The Heat map is set at 3 permitting you to see some of the major roads Members: is set “On”. It shows you where member(s) and the club are located. 7 and 5 On the right hand side you can see that members who live in this zip code belong to 5 different clubs. If you click “here” a window will open that provides demographic information about the zip code. 11/16/2018
3. Zip Code demographics This Screen shows you the type of information available from the use of Zip Codes 11/16/2018
4. Tips and Hints This explains how to more the map and print the display. 11/16/2018
District Market Summary 5. Market Summary - Race District Market Summary Overall Population Number of Members Median Income Ethnic Composition Note: Some Hispanics self-select both race and ethnicity so totals will be over 100% The Market Summary tab has five elements: Total District Membership at the time the file was created Population of the District Hispanic population f the District Median Household Income of the District population The bar chart displays the race/ethnic composition of the District (excluding Hispanic) 11/16/2018
District Market Summary 5. Market Summary - Age District Market Summary Overall Population Number of Members Median Income Age Composition The Age Tab has four elements: Total District Membership at the time the file was created Population of the District Median Household Income of the District population The bar chart shows the age composition of the District 11/16/2018
5. Market Summary-Dashboard The Dashboard displays: Race and Ethnicity percentages for the District Age Range percentages A comparison with other districts in the Zone 11/16/2018
3. Opportunities - Ethnic Note ethnic segments where household income exceeds district average Note ethnic composition of census tract One click takes you there for further exploration. This example shows the census tracts that could offer ethnic growth opportunities. It displays the percentage of the ethnic group within the highlighted census tract. It also shows the average household income of the census tract. The red-highlighted circle indicated a census tract with 1,390 residents. They comprise 81% of the census tract and have an average income of $105,208 – more than twice the average district income. Clicking on any of the identified opportunities will zoom the map to that census tract. 11/16/2018
3b. Opportunities - Age Age Opportunities By selecting “Age” as a Filter, The Opportunity tab will display census tracts with high concentrations of various age groups. It will also display average household income for the census tract. One click takes you there for further exploration. This example shows the census tracts that could offer age-related growth opportunities. It displays the percentage of each age group within the highlighted census tract. It also shows the average household income of the census tract. The red-highlighted circle indicate the age-group 50-59. The census tract has 1,210 residents. They comprise 29.9% of the census tract and have an average income of $193,064 – more 4 times the average district income. Clicking on any of the identified opportunities will zoom the map to that census tract. 11/16/2018
Club Legend Club icons: Lunch Club – knife and fork Evening Club – wine glass Breakfast club - plate Not used – clubs with under 10 members