MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION Saint Clare of Assisi Parish Swedesboro, Gibbstown, Paulsboro Diocese of Camden, New Jersey Rev. David A. Grover, Pastor
Consolidation of 3 Parishes into St. Clare of Assisi Where are we today? Parish formed in 2010 Consolidation of 3 Parishes into St. Clare of Assisi Parish covers a large geographic territory and 4 separate municipalities - Paulsboro, Gibbstown/Greenwich, Logan, Swedesboro/Woolwich The Parish Census indicates that a relatively stable base of parishioners since the merger. There are 3624 households registered at the end of June 2016, compared to 3475 in 2011, and increase of 4%
Where are we today? Parish Demographics Three municipalities have stable populations but little growth Swedesboro/Woolwich Twp. has experienced dramatic population growth projected to continue into the next decade Swedesboro/Woolwich is double the population of the next largest municipality in the Parish Swedesboro/Woolwich population projected to double in next decade Our parish boundaries are large (76 square miles), including 4 distinct municipalities – Paulsboro, Gibbstown/Greenwich Twp., Logan Twp., and Swedesboro/Woolwich Twp. A majority of students at the school, and a preponderance (75%) of students in the Faith Formation program reside in the Woolwich Zip Code. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Buildings/Land 3 separate campuses and 13 buildings Buildings are aging and costly to maintain Maintenance is big drain on Parish finances Parish owns 28 acres of land adjacent to Diocese Cemetery/Land in Woolwich Twp. Buildings include: 3 Churches 3 School Buildings 2 Halls 2 Rectories 2 Convents Office Garage In addition to the buildings, St. Joseph’s Parish purchased land in 2007 on Paulsboro Rd. in anticipation of the need for a new church. The site sits in Woolwich Twp. and is currently used as farmland. Although the land has been rezoned and is not in consideration to be developed by the Woolwich Twp. Master Plan, it remains valuable to the parish as we own Transfer Development Credits on the land that may increase in value as the Woolwich Master Plan is executed over the next decade. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Spirituality Parish has over 3600 registered households Approximately 20% regularly contribute via envelope or on line giving Faith Formation program has 723 children registered Guardian Angels Regional School (GARS) enrollment is at 242 pupils in Pre-K through 8th grade. Majority of students in GARS, and a preponderance of students in Faith Formation program reside in the Swedesboro/Woolwich zip code The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Financially Parish has experienced deficit 4 of the last 5 years Causes include decrease in ordinary income and increase in expense of maintaining 13 buildings Deficits are depleting savings funds and jeopardizing future GARS had surplus in 2016/17 fiscal year Improved enrollment in K-8, and pre-school are driving surplus The GARS surplus was accomplished thru an increase in Pre-K enrollment and tuition income, along with tight management of expense. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Financial Offeratory Income 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 $840,840 $791,600 (6%) $737,457 (7%) $810,457 The large loss in 2015/16 was mostly attributable to necessary capital projects associated with the Churches at Gibbstown ($363k) and Swedesboro ($25k). Offertory income has declined since the fiscal year ending 2014. The most recent year ending June 30, 2017 reversed a 2 year trend of declining income thanks to an Increased Giving Campaign in October 2016. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Financial Operating Expenses (2016/17) Utilities - $190,655 Maintenance - $203,587 Capital Expenditures - $62,111 Total $456,353 Expenses to maintain our 13 buildings are substantial, and a an impediment to our pastoral goals. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where are we today? Financial Saving Funds June 30, 2011 June 30, 2017 $2,626,273 $1,725,612 The Capital Expenditures and frequent operating losses have caused us to deplete our savings funds by over $800k since the merger. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Where do we want to be? One Parish, One Church, On One Campus for all activities – Worship, School, Faith Formation, and Fellowship Based on this data, the Diocese has approved a future parish campus located within the boundaries of Woolwich Twp. The Parish has set forth a vision of having the St. Clare faith community utilize one campus and one Church for all activities – including worship, faith formation, catholic education, adult education, and fellowship – within the next 10 to 15 year time horizon. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Execute long term strategic plan – four Phased approach How do we get there? Execute long term strategic plan – four Phased approach Maximize the value of our assets, and minimize financial risks – sell first, subsequently build new, in steps Maintain commitment to elementary school but avoid premature commitment of capital to new school building The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
How do we get there? Phase 1 Sell real estate on Paulsboro campus – Consultors approved Church and Rectory for sale in June 2016 Maximize assets in all three campuses - St. John’s Church relegated from Sacred to Secular in September Sell Rectory in Gibbstown The Church and Rectory in Paulsboro are currently listed for sale at $995k The School and Diaconate Center are not part of the sale, but could be if there is interest. In that case the parish would look to leaseback the school building to continue to educate the students until the new facility is built. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
How do we get there? Phase 2 Utilize proceeds from Phase 1 to build Multipurpose Facility in Woolwich Twp. Consideration of 3 sites 28 acres owned by Parish Cemetery land owned by Diocese Woolwich Twp. Regional Center Facility to include Hall/Gymnasium, convertible into worship site, and classrooms / office space. We anticipate the cost of the new Multipurpose Facility to be around $3M, part of which would be realized from the sale of the Paulsboro Campus in Phase 1. The new facility would include a gymnasium type of hall, utilized for an athletic facility and parish hall, and convertible into a worship site. The facility would also include multiple classrooms for GARS, the Faith Formation Program, and adult education. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
28 ACRES STONE MEETING HOUSE ROAD WOOLWHICH TOWNSHIP Property owned by St. Clares The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
Cemetery Land Property owned by the Diocese The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
How do we get there? Phase 3 Sell the Swedesboro Campus and commence building new Church All Parish activities in Swedesboro can be done at multipurpose facility or Gibbstown Campus Proceeds from Swedesboro campus used as down payment for new Church construction next to multipurpose facility Once the multipurpose site is built, the Swedesboro Campus would be sold, as the Faith Formation Building would no longer be needed, and Church services would take place at the new facility and at St. Michael’s in Gibbstown. The proceeds from the sale of the Swedesboro campus would pay for a substantial down payment on the new church construction. The Gibbstown Church, School, and Convent would still operate as usual through this Phase. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors
How do we get there? Phase 4 When Church is completed, exit Gibbstown campus Use proceeds towards debt, or additional classrooms/school to the new campus By this time, we will have a clearer picture of the need for Catholic School Elementary education in the community, and can make a decision on the need for additional school space. The Diocese Of Camden - College of Consultors