Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (1982) Read Chapter 6 section 6-9 Mastering Chemistry New assignment will be posted later today Due Sunday by 11:59PM
The mole Only 3 options of what to do with the mole: mole particles Avogadro’s # mole particles molar mass mole mass mole-to-mole ratio mole “X” mole “Y”
The mole Only 2 options of what to do with the mole: mole particles Avogadro’s # mole particles
The mole Only 2 options of what to do with the mole: mole mass molar mass mass
The mole Only 2 options of what to do with the mole: mole “X” mole “Y” mole-to-mole ratio mole “X” mole “Y”
ANY TIME you are going from an amount of one substance to an amount of another substance, you MUST use a mole to mole ratio.
ANY TIME you are going from an amount of one thing to an amount of another thing, work in 3 steps: Step 1: convert the given information to moles Step 2: use a mole-to-mole ratio Step 3: convert the moles to whatever is asked for
A sample of aluminum bicarbonate contains 1 A sample of aluminum bicarbonate contains 1.75 grams of carbon, how many molecules of aluminum bicarbonate are present? grams of carbon molecules of aluminum bicarbonate amount of one thing amount of another thing MOLE TO MOLE RATIO Al(HCO3)3
A sample of aluminum bicarbonate contains 1 A sample of aluminum bicarbonate contains 1.75 grams of carbon, how many molecules of aluminum bicarbonate are present? Al(HCO3)3
How many atoms of C are in an aspirin (C9H8O4) pill that contains 0 How many atoms of C are in an aspirin (C9H8O4) pill that contains 0.2000 grams of aspirin?