Bellwork: What does… 1. Electronegativity 2. Ionization Energy 3 Bellwork: What does… 1. Electronegativity 2. Ionization Energy 3. Metallic Character 4. Atomic Radius 5. Reactivity
rows/periods Periodic law 1. Due to the organization of the Periodic Table, the _________________ demonstrate trends in different properties. This is the _______________________ _____________. Periodic law
Electronegativity attract electrons electrons decreases 2.__________________________ is an atom’s ability to _______________ pairs of _________________ in a bond. Electronegativity ________________ from left to right, and _________________ down a group. electrons electrons decreases
Same trend as electronegativity!!! Ionization energy 3. _________________________ is the minimum amount of energy required to ___________________ one electron from the atom. Ionization energy ________________ from left to right, and _________________ down a group. remove increases decreases Same trend as electronegativity!!!
Metallic character metallic decreases increases 4. _________________________ is the degree of ____________________ properties an element demonstrates. Metallic character ________________ from left to right, and _________________ down a group. decreases increases
OOPS REPEAT!!!!!! Metallic character metallic decreases increases 5. _________________________ is the degree of ____________________ properties an element demonstrates. Metallic character ________________ from left to right, and _________________ down a group. decreases OOPS REPEAT!!!!!! increases
Atomic radius valence nucleus decreases increases 6. _________________________ is the distance of the_____________ electrons/shell from the ___________. Atomic radius________________ from left to right, and _________________ down a group. nucleus decreases increases
Reactivity react alkali increases halogens decreases 7. ______________ is the tendency of the element to _______________ with other substances. Reactivity is at a maximum at the ____________ metals and __________________ down that group. Reactivity is also high with the _________________________ , and _______________ down that group. alkali increases halogens decreases
8. Why do alkali metals increase in reactivity down a group?
9. Why do halogens decrease in reactivity down a group?