March Week 4 21-25
Viewing the Film: Monday-Wednesday
Please Locate Your Film Pre-Research Sheet Quiz on the film, The Fault in Our Stars, will be on Thursday: Due for bonus on Thursday Regular Points- due on Friday
Please Locate Your Film Note Sheet Be looking for …. Character motivations Foreshadowing events Camera shots Theme of film (2) different genres for this film [ Due Thurs. for Bonus/ Friday for regular points ]
Starting the Film- Title? This phrase has been interpreted to mean that fate is not what drives men to their decisions and actions, but rather the human condition. Cassius: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, lines 140-141 As you watch the film, consider how Hazel & Augustus’s cancer impacts their actions regarding life and their views on their own mortality. Is it fate, or is it their actions that determine their life’s path?
Tomorrow’s Quiz on The Fault in Our Stars 1. If we are here, we will be typing it in the computer lab: 2nd hour: Main Lab 3rd hour: Library Lab Don’t forget: the pre-research and film notes are also due with the quiz by Friday.
If we have a snow day: The quiz, film notes and pre- research are then “homework” for Thursday and due end of the day on Friday, March 25. ***There will NOT be a lab day on Friday!
Wednesday, March 23 Post-Film Essay Prep Read over the essay question Plan out an outline for your answer Come up with a THESIS statement as the last sentence of your introduction: Augustus’s quote “….” connects to the theme of ____ in the film The Fault in Our Stars in the following ways: ___, ____, and ____. Identify three examples to support the quote’s connection to theme for your body paragraph and list them in your thesis in the order you plan to discuss them What is the “so what?” you can discuss in your conclusion? Why is this film important to view – what do people learn or take away from it?
Thursday, March 24 Take the post-film analysis quiz on The Fault in Our Stars * Finish it today before you leave? +3 bonus points *Due tomorrow at the start of class. a. Film notes b. Film research c. Film quiz Print out the note sheet for Star Trek – we will use it starting in class tomorrow [Friday, March 18] 3. Print out and begin the research notes for the film Star Trek
Essay Exam: Handwritten or Typed Due today by 3:05
Film Schedule for Final Work—Qrt 3 Today- Wed., March 30 ESSAY TEST: Thursday in class Watch the film Avatar Film note sheets and background research – coming Monday [I had them copied] Essay exam document will be uploaded to my JMHS site Wednesday, March 30 after school