Baptism! Reviewing for the TEST
What is a Sacrament? An outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace. (The 7 streams of God’s life that he pours out into our hearts)
What does Baptism wash away? Washes away ALL sin (both original sin and actual sin) This is a sacrament of initiation because it opens the door for God to dwell in us and it is the door that gives access to all the other sacraments.
What do we become at Baptism? Children of God and heirs to His Kingdom!
What does the word “baptism” mean? To plunge or immerse
What does foreshadowing or prefigurement mean? It means that a story points ahead toward the future – and will be fulfilled in the future.
What is a “Covenant”? God’s promise of love and faithfulness; (begins a relationship of deep love and friendship.)
What does Jesus teach in John 3:15?: He says, “Unless you are born again by water and the Holy Spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (without Baptism, we cannot enter heaven…usually)
Who can Baptize? A minister SHOULD But ANYONE can if there is an emergency
Where can you be Baptized? ANYWHERE! But you SHOULD show God that you really want the Grace by trying to go to a Church if at all possible.
What are Form and Matter? The ‘WORDS that have to be used for the Sacrament to take place “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: The “stuff” that has to be there for the Sacrament to take place for Baptism = WATER!
What oils are used at Baptism? Oil of catechumens & Sacred Chrism oil
What do the white garments and the candles symbolize? Purity and cleanliness of soul We have received the light of Christ
What do we receive? Sanctifying grace! Freedom from sin! We become children of God! Temples of the Holy Spirit! We become members of the Church! We receive faith, hope, and love
What do we receive? 6) An increase in other virtues 7) The gifts of the Holy Spirit 8) We get our “MISSION” 9) We have an “indelible” mark on our soul – our “God tattoo” 10) We inherit heaven!
What-if questions I know you want to ask them…
What if…I die without Baptism, even if I know about Baptism? Oops. Danger. John 3:5 Jesus’ final words were about BAPTISM! Matthew 28:16-20
What if…someone is martyred but is not baptized? Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.” Jesus died for US – so if we die for GOD, we are following his example and sharing his cross – that means we can go to heaven.
What if…someone is preparing for Baptism but dies before receiving the Sacrament? Then he can receive BAPTISM OF DESIRE. BUT- WE HAVE TO REALLY WANT IT.
What if…someone doesn’t know anything about God and therefore isn’t baptized? If a person follows his CONSCIENCE and seeks the TRUTH as far as possible, then salvation is POSSIBLE. BUT Without grace, life is VERY HARD. So, it is harder for those without grace and Baptism to be saved, even if it’s not their fault.
What if…someone dies without being Baptized? If they WANTED Baptism – then they can have BPATISM OF DESIRE. If they didn’t care…not good. If they didn’t KNOW – God can have mercy.
Can we ever say that another person who is not Baptized is surely going to hell? No, only God can see someone’s heart. We can’t tell if they could get Baptism of Desire, or if they are following the truth and their conscience. We can’t tell how open their hearts are to grace. BUT – we CAN tell them it is dangerous to not be Baptized, because without grace the soul is weak.
What if…a person is Baptized in another Church? Does it still count? If it is a Christian Church that uses the correct MATTER AND FORM then the Baptism is real and valid! Yay! If it is a Church that does not believe in the Trinity or does not use the correct MATTER AND FORM then the Baptism is NOT VALID. Uhoh.