Jude Lesson 4
At A Glance Chart Vs. 1-2 Jude’s introduction B, C & K Vs. 3-4 Stated Purpose for writing Ungodly people crept in UNNOTICED Vs. 5-8 Old Testament illustrations about ungodly and their judgment
Jude 8 - 9 “In the same way” (as the ungodly of vs. 4) Defile the flesh: immorality does that Reject authority: ALL examples vs. 5-7 did that Revile angelic majesties Contrast: Michael: did not dare pronounce against the devil a railing judgment but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”
Michael One of the chief angelic princes Dan. 10:13 The great prince who stands guard over Israel, Daniel’s people Dan. 12:1 Archangel Jude 1:9 Disputed with the devil over Moses’ body He and his angels wage war with Satan and his angels Rev. 12:7 Stronger than Satan Rev. 12:9 Will not take authority that is not his to take Jude 1:9
Ungodly Revile the things which they do not understand Jude 1:10 A trait of the ungodly is to revile angelic majesties The things, which they know by instinct Instinct like unreasoning animals BY these things….they are destroyed HOW are they destroyed by these things? If Michael would not pronounce judgment on Satan, what should our language be when dealing with Satan?
Cain Of the evil one and did evil deeds I John 3:12 He knew what was right, but departed from the Lord’s way Gen. 4:16 James 4:17 Had no love for his brother Abel, who was a righteous man of faith, (Heb. 11:4) and killed him Gen. 4:8 The ungodly who creep in have no love for the brethren and no faith THIS is how they can be noticed! They’re evil and do evil deeds
Balaam False prophet and teacher who SEEMED to do right, but did the opposite for pay Peter said he loved the wages of Unrighteousness 2 Pet. 2:15 WANTED to curse Israel, but God did not allow him to Taught Balak and the Midianites how to seduce Israel into the sin of idolatry Num. 25 “He stands for the covetous man who was prepared to sin in order to gain reward and for the evil man who was guilty of the greatest of all sins: TEACHING others to sin” Wm. Barclay
Korah He and the people with him, challenged Aaron’s God-ordained priesthood Num. 16 God said ONLY Levites who were Aaron’s descendants were to be priests Korah assumed to take a place which did not belong to him (rejected authority) God’s holiness was clearly shown when the earth swallowed him up and all associated with him Num. 16:31-35 They were among the holy, but were NOT holy
Jude 1:12-13 Illustrations from nature: Hidden reefs: potential shipwrecks, dangerous (unnoticed) Clouds without water: useless, empty, void Autumn trees without fruit: useless, no root, doubly dead Wild waves casting up their own shame Wandering stars: momentary brilliance, then fade into black darkness Ungodly: black darkness is reserved for them
Cain, Balaam and Korah 2 Pet. 2:17-19 Darkness is reserved for them and other false teachers that lead others astray “For by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.” 2 Pet. 2:19 ALL THREE were among the righteous, but were not righteous and had no fear of God
Enoch Enoch did not die Heb. 11:5 Gen. 5:24 Enoch walked with God, and God took him Enoch was a man of faith, pleasing to God Enoch prophesied the coming judgment of the ungodly Jude 1:14 Enoch was the 7th generation from Adam and the flood came at the time of his son’s death Methuselah – who was the oldest man in the Bible at 969 years of age Gen. 5:27
Judgment of the ungodly Punishment is sure Jude 1:14-15 Just like the flood destroyed all the ungodly, so will the coming fire of God’s judgment be 2 Pet. 3:1-7 Jesus taught that the unrighteous will suffer eternal punishment in unquenchable fire, the Lake of Fire, the second death Matt. 28:46, Mark 9:43 and Rev. 20
Jude 1:16 Ungodly Grumblers, which was one reason some of Israel was destroyed in the wilderness Finding fault – malcontents Following their own lusts/sinful desires Speaking arrogantly – loud mouth boasters Flattering for advantage – showing favoritism to gain advantage
Jude 1:17-19 Remember what the apostles said IN THE LAST TIMES!!! Mockers/scoffers will come They cause divisions Worldly minded, devoid of the Spirit Application to us: Recognize the ungodly and what they do Remember the apostles’ words Be holy in conduct and godliness 2 Pet. 3:11 Look for the New heavens and earth 2 Pet. 3:13 Contend earnestly for the faith!!!