Words and Their Meaning: How are We All Diverse?
What is multicultural? Let’s break this word down
What is multi? Many Varied Different
What is cultural? Race Music Food Faith, religion, values, family structure Gender Sexual orientation Social class
Dimensions of “Culture” The definition of culture can go on infinitely and is extremely complex. Many of the dimensions are intertwined
Why do we need to explore the dimensions of “culture” To avoid making judgment about someone based on one dimension
Nitza Hidalgo's "three levels (dimensions) of culture" Concrete Visible/tangible level Surface level: clothes, music, food, games, festivals, celebrations, etc Behavioral How we define our social roles language we speak, approaches to nonverbal communication, gender roles, family structures, political affiliation, other items which situate us organizationally in society Symbolic Values and beliefs Most important in terms of how people define themselves Value systems, customs, spirituality, religion, worldview, beliefs, morals, etc.
Which level do you think is the most important? How many say the concrete? Why? How many say the behavioral? How many say the symbolic?
Questions Worth Considering When you meet somebody, which of those items (under any of the categories) do you use to understand them culturally? Is your attempt to understand other culturally consistent with how you want to be viewed and understood? What forces in our society might contribute to our simplification of others’ cultures, even though we don’t want to be defined simplistically ourselves?
Exploring Language Definitions What is prejudice? An attitude about another person or group of people based on stereotypes What is discrimination? An action or behavior based on prejudice
Exploring Language Definitions Cont’d What is racism? The systematic conditions that provide some people more consistent and easier access to opportunities based on perceived race or ethnicity What is sexism? The systematic conditions that provide some people more consistent and easier access to opportunities based on perceived sex, gender, or gender expression What is heterosexism? The systematic conditions that provide some people more consistent and easier access to opportunities based on perceived sexual orientation.
Can prejudice and discrimination be positive? Yes!!! I am prejudice toward my students I am a discriminating eater Social Justice A prejudice toward someone is matched by an equal prejudice against somebody else
According to the definitions, anyone could be racists or sexist The difference is Power. Power combined with these words is the ability to enforce these conditions We all have personal power and how we exercise this is very important Do we stand up for things? Who makes the rules and who do those rules benefit? How do we affect change?
Why did we go over these words? Different people mean different things when they use these same words. We need to be very careful of our words, our judgments, our perceptions and our power. Think about how does the way we are socialized to relate to these terms inform the ways we imagine they might be solved?
Connections to SEL Competencies Which of the competencies are we focusing on this week? Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness Relationship Skills Responsible Decision Making *** We are focusing on social awareness and relationship skills