PI REPORT Reading & Interpreting the Information in Monthly Grant Reports Provided by Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) Gina Vessels, Post Award Manager Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) College of Medicine
OBJECTIVES Review each tab included in the monthly PI Reports distributed by Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) What information is included in each tab, and why is it important? Important Concepts Budget Period vs Project Period Direct Budget vs Cost Share Commitments & Encumbrances Personnel expenses – who is charging payroll on my grant? Non-personnel expenses – Do the expenses look like appropriate items for my project? Different types of expenses charged to my grant Burn Rate Limitations of the Reports
One line summary that shows overall available balance, does not give details about budgeted categories. For the purpose of this report, “Budget” means all budgeted funds that are not cost share. On this tab, the “Budget” amounts include budgeted F&A funds.
Executive Summary Tab
The Executive Detail tab shows the categories that have a budget, and/or categories that have expenses.
This tab shows payroll postings on the grant account for the month, including any faculty or staff being paid from the grant who are in other departments.
This tab allows you to see all the grant accounts that an Individual’s payroll is posting to, including if they are being cost shared on any grant accounts. Considerations: STEPS, Group positions, summer salary
This tab shows details for non-payroll expenses that have posted to the grant account for the month.
Designed to show the “burn rate.”
Limitations of the Reports Not “real time” By the time reports are generated and distributed, a week or more may have passed since the information was pulled from the system. Any expenses posted during that time will not be reflected in these reports. Payroll encumbrances are only as accurate as the information that’s input into the system, and only include Regular FTEs. F&A is not encumbered. F&A balance is only affected by posted expenses, not encumbered expenses. Extremely important to monitor monthly due to correction deadlines, especially for federal accounts. Reports are only distributed to PIs and Co-PIs, not departmental staff.
QUESTIONS??? Gina Vessels ginavessels@uky.edu 323-0767 SRAS Website http://research.med.uky.edu/research-administration-ibu Includes contact information for all of our staff, which staff members are specifically assigned to your department, and details about the services we provide – both pre- award and post-award. We are always here to help with your grants management questions.