Riya Dey Sikder
WHAT IS LITERECY Literacy is an integral and indispensable element of educational development. Literacy can pave way for reduction in population growth, child mortality and poverty, and facilitate in attaining gender parity, sustainable and holistic growth. It provides for nurturance of democratic values and peace among people. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has drafted a definition of literacy as the "ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society."[68]
OVERVIEW Adult education is indispensable as it supplements the efforts to enhance and sustain literacy levels through formal education. Despite significant accomplishments of the National Literacy Mission(1988) which was followed till tenth 5 year plan, illiteracy continues to be an area of national concern. In view of this, after a protracted process of countrywide consultation with stakeholders ‘Saakshar Bharat’ has been devised as the new variant of National Literacy Mission. Saakshar Bharat is the centrally sponsored nation-wide literacy scheme of the Indian Department for School Education and Literacy (DSEL) ,Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD),focusing on increasing women´s literacy in India. It was launched by the prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, on International Literacy Day,8th September 2009. Its aim is to significantly reduce the number of non-literate adults in India and foster an environment within communities that encourages lifelong learning. This mission goes beyond the 3 ‘R’s(reading,writing,arithmetic).The scheme aims to further promote and strengthen Adult Education, specially of women, by extending educational opportunities to those adults who lack access to formal education and have crossed the standard age for receiving such education, now feel a need for learning of any type, including, literacy, basic education (equivalency to formal education), vocational education (skill development), physical and emotional development, practical arts, applied science, sports, and recreation.
SHAAKSHAR BHARAT The scheme has been formulated with the objective of achieving 80% literacy level by 2012 at national level, by focusing on adult women literacy seeking – to reduce the gap between male and female literacy to not more than 10 percentage points. The mission has four broader objectives: i. imparting functional literacy and numeracy to non-literates ii. acquiring equivalency to formal educational system iii. imparting relevant skill development programme iv. and promote a leaning society by providing opportunities for continuing education. Principal target of the mission i. to impart functional literacy to 70 million non-literate adults in the age group of 15 years and beyond ii. to cover 14 million SCs, 8 million STs, 12 million minorities & 36 million others iii. to have an overall coverage of 60 million women iv. and to cover 410 districts belonging to 26 States/UTs of the country that have been identified under Saakshar Bharat. Target groups The prime target is to impart functional literacy to adults in the age group of 15 years and beyond. The supplementary target is to cover adults under basic education programme and vocational (skill development) programme. The focus is not only on women, but also SCs, STs, Minorities, other disadvantaged groups, and adolescents in rural areas in low literacy states.
Eligibility criteria for coverage under Saakshar Bharat A district, including a new district carved out of an erstwhile district that had adult female literacy rate of 50 per cent or below, as per 2001 census, were considered eligible for coverage under the Saakshar Bharat programme. In addition, all left wing extremism-affected districts, irrespective of their literacy rate, were also eligible for coverage under the programme. There were 365 districts in the country that had adult female literacy rate of 50 per cent or below. Home Ministry had declared 35 districts as left wing extremism affected districts. However, 30 left wing extremism affected districts also had adult female literacy of 50 per cent or below.Initially 370 having the adult female literacy of 50% or below as per 2001 census that qualified for coverage under the programme. Since 2001, several eligible districts have been bifurcated or trifurcated. This has raised the total number of eligible districts including 35 which are left wing extremism affected districts. Programme provides for coverage of only rural areas in the eligible districts
There are four important components of this plan whose vision is objective: 1. Functional Literacy: The meaning of functional literacy is to make people self-sufficient in reading, writing and mathematics. This is a 300-hour academic program, which will be run through the instructor. This program will be for three months or more, which will be run in the mother tongue of the people. 2. Basic Education Program: From this, illiterate adults can continue their studies even after basic education and they will be able to get basic education equal to 10 years of formal education. 3. Business Skills Development Program:Through this program, adults will be taught vocational skills so that they can improve their living standards and livelihood status. The proper business skill training will be given through 271 educational institutions. These institutions are fully funded NGOs under this program. 4. Continuing Education Program: Through this program, to establish a learning society by providing opportunities for life-long study. The purpose of this program is to create an environment of continuous study in the villages so that people can be encouraged to read.
STEPS TAKEN DURING SAAKSHAR BHARAT PROGRAM In order to implement this scheme, 1.70 lakh Public Education Centers (PEC) has been set up in Panchayat Village of the districts under the scheme. By contacting Public Education Centers in different areas, the benefits of Saakshar Bharat Scheme can be availed. The classes are organized according to the convenience of the adult students for the purpose. The classes are also organized in the villages on Sunday because it is suitable for everyone and does not compromise with their regular work to earn a livelihood. Under the Community Leadership Development Program, students have been given an annual project to work in the mission “Saakshar Bharat“. They have been given the goal of making at least 40 people literate in their villages and local areas. The State Government has made the necessary arrangements for this purpose and provided basic facilities like books and boards for them. Officials of secretariat said that the literacy rate in some states is less than the national average. Until a few years ago, the millions of people were uneducated but the number of uneducated people has decreased after the program is implemented. At present, every district has at least one adult education.
ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 11TH FIVE YEAR PLAN PERIOD Literacy scenario of India: Census 2011 revealed that Literacy in India has made remarkable strides. Literacy rate of India stands at 72.98%. Overall Literacy rate has grown by 8.14 percent points in the last decade (64.84% in 2001 & 72.98% in 2011). The male literacy rate has grown by 5.62 percent points(75.26% in 2001 & 80.88% in 2011) whereas female literacy rate 10.96 percent points (53.67% in 2001 & 64.63% in 2011). Number of illiterates(7+ age group) decreased from 304.10 million in 2001 to 282.70 million in 2011. States reported with literacy rate greater than 90%: Kerala (94%), Lakshadweep (91.85%) and Mizoram (91.33%). States with literacy rate between national average (72.99%) and below 90%: Tripura (87.22%), Goa (88.70%), Daman & Diu (87.10%), Puducherry (85.85%), Chandigarh (86.05%), Delhi (86.21%), A&N Islands (86.63%), Himachal Pradesh (82.80%), Maharashtra (82.34%), Sikkim (81.42%) Tamil Nadu (80.09%), Nagaland (79.55%), Manipur (76.94%), Uttarakhand (78.82%), Gujarat (78.03%), Dadra & Nagar Haveli (76.24%), West Bengal (76.26%), Punjab (75.84%), Haryana (75.55%), Karnataka (75.36%) and Meghalaya (74.43%). Literacy rate in rural areas stands at 67.67% with rural male literacy rate 77.15% and rural female literacy rate 57.93%. Whereas literacy rate in urban areas stands at 84.11% with urban male literacy rate at 88.76% and urban female literacy at 79.11%. Literacy rate of SCs stands at 66.07% (Male SCs 75.17% & Female SCs 56.46%).Whereas Literacy rate of STs stands at 58.95% (Male STs 68.51% & Female STs 49.36%). Gender disparity in literacy rates declined by 5.34 percent points from 21.59 percent points in 2001 to 16.25 percent points in 2001-2011.There has been a continuous decrease in gender gap in literacy since 1991 (24.84 percent points).
DRAWBACKS OF 11TH FIVE YEAR PLAN The provisional results of 2011 Census have revealed that despite an impressive decadal increase of 9.2 percent points in literacy,national literacy levels have risen to no more than 74.0 percent (from 64.8 percent in 2001). Thus, by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan in 2012, the three Plan Targets would not have been achieved: overall literacy rate being short by five percent points, gender gap yet to be reduced by another 6.7 percent points and social and regional disparities still persisting. Literacy India program has also been included in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). The purpose of literate Bharat Mission is to establish a fully literate society through good and quality adult education and literacy. The main objectives of this mission are to be achieved by 2017 THE GOALS ENVISAGED IN 12TH PLAN During the Twelfth Plan Period, efforts are to be made to provide basic literacy to 70 million non-literates, basic education to 3 million adults, and vocational skill development training to 20 million adults. Only 127 million adults could be made literate through National Literacy 301 Mission from 1988 to 2009 at an annual average of 5 to 6 million, whereas during twelfth plan the target assumes imparting literacy at an annual average of 14 million adults. Roughly, 10 million literacy centres will be set up through Volunteer teachers to cover the 100 million non- literate adults, and ensure at least 70 million literates. In line with the seamless transition from lower to higher levels of learning continuum towards a literate society, it is aimed to provide three million adults, who may have lost the opportunity of formal schooling, adult education equivalent to V, VIII, X Standard and beyond. Vocational Skill development training would be provided through AVECs and other institutions in public, private and voluntary sector. The entire programme will be aligned with National Vocational Curriculum Framework.