What is news?
Think about how you get information the most often… Phone calls? Conversations? Texting? Think about your own life…how do you get the information you need the most often..
In today’s day and age, we have certainly evolved to a society who needs information…quickly and accurately. Way back, news was delivered through general conversation…
Yes, 14,528 text messages.
While, the technology is great…it has created other problems for society Now, let me introduce you to a typical California teenager – well, almost typical.
With the advance of technology, came the good ol’ newspaper…first monthly, then weekly, then daily, sometimes even twice a day (Providence Journal)
More techn ology brought phones, radio for music, news or entertainment (either via terrestrial radio, satellite radio or an iPod) …
Still more technology brought watching television in any form – digital, cable, satellite, or TiVo …
Now people using the internet to find this information -- research, shopping and so on …
Or communicating with others via e-mail or using social networking sites such as facebook …
Or using the internet for entertainment, such as visiting YouTube …
What is News? Anything printable or suitable for broadcast An account of an event, fact or opinion that interests people Presentation of current events in newspapers, magazines, radio, or television Anything people will want to read provided it is of “good taste” and isn’t libelous (lies)
What is News? (continued) Anything that is timely that interests a number of readers or viewers BEST TYPE OF NEWS Accurate knowledge of happenings, discoveries, opinions, and a matter of any sort that affect or interest the readers The first rough draft of history The study of people
How is community created through local media? What makes news local? How is community created through local media? For the purposes of our discussion this morning, we’d like to concentrate on two questions: What makes news local and how community is created using local media.
Two questions, one answer: There’s actually one answer to both questions.
It’s all about me! Seriously. It is all about me. When it comes to what is local and what is news – and an individual’s relationship to local media, it is all about me.
5 News Values Timeliness Proximity Conflict and Controversy Immediate, current information and events are newsworthy because they have just recently occurred. It’s news because it’s “new.” Proximity Local information and events are newsworthy because they affect the people in our community and region. We care more about things that happen “close to home.” Conflict and Controversy When it’s violence, arguments, actions, events, ideas or policies, we care. Attract our attention by highlighting problems or differences within the community.
Human Interest Relevance People are interested in other people. We like unusual stories of people who accomplish amazing feats or handle a life crisis because we can identify with them. Relevance People are attracted to information that helps them make good decisions. If you like to cook, you find recipes relevant. We need depend on relevant information that helps us make decisions.
Immediacy/Timeliness The information I need right now.
Winter storm – Do I have to go to school today Winter storm – Do I have to go to school today? That’s why the weather is so important in a newscast – people need to know how it will affect them
The closer it is to me, the more personal it is to me. Proximity The closer it is to me, the more personal it is to me.
If a water main breaks in my neighborhood and I won’t have water for a day or two, I’m going to be vitally interested in that piece of information. If the water main broke in front of my house – and flooded my basement – I’m going to be even more interested. If, on the other hand, it’s on the other side of town from where I live, I’m sympathetic – but not very concerned.
Conflict People tend to have an interest in disagreements, arguments, fights, and rivalries.
We live in a competitive society, people genuinely want to be validated as being better or being right. When a conflict or fight arises in society, people tend to pick a side. They are interested in following how that issue plays out and trying to defend “their” side. This is also why many people turn to sports.
Relevance/Human Interest The more deeply it affects me, the more interesting it is to me.
Ask the son of a soldier how relevant the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are to him.
Is it news? Think – Pair – Share