National Center for Health Statistics Exercise Participation by Age, Gender, and Race across States in the US Yeelin Tan Source: Participation in Physical Activity by Age, Sex, and Race: States, 1994-2004, National Center for Health Statistics
Exercise Participation Changes Over Time for Ages 25-44 1994-1996 2002-2004 Overall increase in exercise participation. Low exercise participation in a large collection of states to the west of the Mississippi in 1994-1996 which significantly increased in 2002-2004. Texas and Nevada suffered declines in exercise participation. Data unavailable for Hawaii in 2002-2004.
Trends in Exercise Participation in Washington, DC by Age Group Overall increase in exercise participation. Exercise participation of people ages 65-74 is declining slightly in recent years.
Exercise Participation in Washington, DC for People Ages 25-44 during 2002-2004 by Race and Gender Males exercise more than females across the three races. Female to male exercise participation gap is smallest among Whites. Exercise participation in Washington, DC is highest among Whites.