FY Witness exam info session FIRST YEAR CO-OPTS: Alli and Yi COMPETITONS DIRECTORS: Ken and Karan
WHAT IS WITNESS EXAMINATION? Simulated trial – aim is to develop a theory of the case and present it to the judge. Done through examining/questioning the 2 witnesses. Counsel for prosecution and defence. Teams consist of two people: one barrister and one non-competitive witness (can alternate who is who each week). Barrister: Present a case through examination and cross-examination. Witness – testify to facts (from memory). Dress: Business attire.
STRUCTURE Appearances (1 min) Opening statement by the Prosecution (2 min) Opening statement by the Defence (2 min) Examination-in-Chief by the Prosecution (10 min) Cross Examination by the Defence (12 min) Examination-in-Chief by the Defence (10 min) Cross Examination by the Prosecution (12 min) Closing statement by the Prosecution (3 min) Closing statement by the Defence (3 min)
COMPETITION FORMAT 2 people per team 8 groups 4 teams per group 3 guaranteed rounds – top 16 progress to round 4 (elimination) Round 1 begins week 3 – runs on Wednesday and Thursdays fortnightly
PREPARATION Problem released 48 hours prior to competition. Contains two witness statements (different accounts of the same event) AND any relevant law (no legal research is required). Teams should develop a case theory in light of the two statements. Barrister – prepare opening statements and lines of questioning, familiarise yourself with grounds of objection. Witness – memorise facts.
WHY COMPETITIONS? WHY WITNESS EXAM? Application of what is taught in the classroom. Develop advocacy & other professional skills. Meet new people. Resume building. It’s a first year only competition. Not too much preparation required. You get to yell out “Objection!” as theatrically as you want.
REGISTRATION Details from both team members: full names, emails, student numbers, contact numbers AND preference for a competition night must be registered by one team member. Registration opens: WEDNESDAY 28th of February at 7PM through the MULSS website. Workshop: WEDNESDAY the 7th of of March 1PM in 102. Round 1 begins WEEK 3 on WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS.
CONTACT DETAILS Guidebook: http://mulss.com/competitions/first_year_witness_examination FY Witness Exam FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/333922583779044 First Year Competition Co-Opts Email: mulssfirstyearwitness@gmail.com Open Competition Co-Opts Email: melbunilsswitnessexamination@gmail.com